PowerPoint Requirements: Benthic Macro invertebrates (BMI) Questions to answer: (River booklet “Spineless Ones” p.88 - 98) What are they? Why are they indicators? How do we collect them? Where to sample? How do they develop? What are the different “feeding groups”? What do they look like? Images to include: (google image search) Stonefly larva Dobsonfly larva Caddisfly larva Alderfly larva Mayfly nymph Damselfly nymph Dragonfly nymph Riffle Beetle Aquatic worm Leech See “sample” PowerPoint in SWIFT website
Benthic Macro invertebrates (sample)
Benthic Macro invertebrates What are they? Why are they indicators?
Benthic Macro invertebrates How do we collect them? Where to sample/collect?
Benthic Macro invertebrates How do they develop (Life Cycle)? What are the different “feeding groups”?
What do they look like? picture of Stonefly larva picture of Dobsonfly Caddisfly larva