Aquatic Food Web Algae - Producers Benthos - Mud Dwelling Scavengers and Decomposers Zooplankton – Herbivores and Carnivores Macroinvertebrates – Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores Foraging Fish – Carnivores, Herbivores, and Scavengers Floating and Submerged Vegetation - Producers Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, + Heat and Light Energy Nutrients from the land Illustrations by
Decomposers: crustaceans, midge larva Picture is reprinted with permission from Dr. Denise B. Stoeckel, Illinois Natural History survey, midge larva amphipod
Herbivores: mayfly and water penny Pictures reprinted with permission from Leska Fore, King County Regional Water Quality,
Carnivores: Dragonfly larvae, Hellgramite Illustrations by
Omnivores: Example - Crayfish Pictue reprinted with permission from Leska Fore, King County Regional Water Quality,
Isopod & Amphipod Pictue reprinted with permission from Leska Fore, King County Regional Water Quality,
Caddisfly life cycle Picture reprinted with permission from Karen Heathman, Indigo Ink Graphic Design,
Head Abdomen Thorax Adult Damselfly Insect Illustration by Six Legs
Picture reprinted with permission from Brett Crans, new Jersey Mosquito Control Assoc., Inc., Mosquito life cycle
Fishing spider with bubble Photo reprinted with permission from Soni Cochran, Univ. Of Nebraska Lincoln Dept. of Entomology,