6- Pigment infiltration:- a- external causes: anthracosis a black pigmentation or bluish black has been seen in lungs bronchial and mesenteric L. nodes B- Internal causes: - filtration of melanin pigment in lungs, liver and muscles and this filtration may occur normally or heredity. Judgment: In local filtration the remove of affected organ is enough. But in general location the whole carcass was rejected.
7- Normal and abnormal yellow color in fleshes:- The normal yellow colors due to carotene or zanthofel substances and it's can be seen in a depose tissue only and this is due to animal feeding in carotene which is a resource of vit A. some animal like buffalo can convert the carotene to vit. A, that's why buffalo's fat is white color while the cattle cannot therefore their fat's are yellow.
* The abnormal yellow color (Icterus) This is due to jaundice, which is one of blood disease which occur due to billirubin accumulations in the blood, which colored the body with a light yellow to greenish yellow color, appear, first in all white tissue of the body like (fats, mucous member., nerve cord, tendons, brain member., sclerotic member. of the eye) then in the lung, liver, kidney. The concentration of the billlirubin in the blood is more than 5mg \100ml in plasma. The jaundice caused most frequently by toxic changes in the liver due to bacterial action & less commonly results from obstruction of the bile ducts due to mechanical causes.
Judgment : - The objections to the sale of carcasses affected with Ictrus are that, the yellow coloration due to the presence of bile pigments may render the carcass repugnant and unmarketable. And in some cases, the flesh may possess an abnormal odor and taste due to the presence of bile salts, where Ictrus is detected in the well nourished carcass it should be detained for 24hr and then reexamined, for the action of the enzyme which are normally muscular enzyme may bring about the disappearance of the yellow color if the yellow color is but slightly evident after 24hr, the carcass may be released for food.
The parasitic disease:- Food animals affected by many types of parasite & it's classified according to its impotency to human to:- 1- Parasitic transfer directly to man. 2- Parasitic transfer in directly to man. 3- parasitic not transfer to man.
Parasite transfer directly:- A- Parasite transfer by cattle & pig meat. 1- Taenia Saginata:- Called also beef tapeworm, the worm length about 3-7.5m & its presence in human small intestine, but in cystic stage, it's called cysticercus bovis & it's located in muscle connective tissue (cattle & buffalo). & it's also called beef measles The C.B. is a novel sac or cyst shape has white or grayish white color this cyst notes a small points pink color, develops with 6 weeks of ages & reach its full development after 18 weeks of ages & then get a white color with necrosis cases & calcification occur after 7 months, then remain there for several years.
Human affection:- He affected when consumed affected beef with these cysts, when these beef, where fresh or not cooked well or uncooked, the cyst digested in the stomach and the outer layer or wall of cyst & the particles will liberate then pause to intestine & there it will hang to the mucous membrane wall to grow to T.S. cause abdominal pain with headache & vomiting.(Some time ↓ in weight). The mature part will excrete with the man's stool which contain the eggs, then it falls on grass, animal eat it, then it will reach the stomach for blood & muscles. The favored parts for cyst: - masseter muscle- heart-tongue-shoulder muscles. - Diaghram muscular part- neck muscles. - Intercostal muscles in severe cases it will reach liver-lungs & brain …. ext.
Judgment:- The carcass must be inspected well by making several deep incisions in muscles, in case of presence 10 cyst or more the carcass must be condemned. If it's less than 10 the affected organs will remove and the remain carcass must be deals with one of these methods:- A- heating: - the meat exposes to 56◦c temp. & it's enough for paralysis & killed of the cyst. B- freezing: - the meat will freeze at 10◦c for 10days. C- radiation: - using x ray for killing. D- salting:- the meat will cut for small pieces & putting in a salty solution 25% for 4 weeks..
2- Taenia Solium or pork tapeworm:- The length of worm 2-5m & presence in small intestine & having thorns as 2 lines of hocks around the mouth. & it's considered more dangerous than the first one because it hangs tightly to the intestine mucous membrane. The cyst stage called cysticercus cellulose in pork's (pork measles) & its presence in muscle connective tissue. It also presence in man due to auto infection or egg ingestion by dirty hand. & its presence in human muscle & organs like the brain, eyes, causing blind & paralysis (dangers as a lesion). The favored area of cyst:- Tongue- heart-diaghram- larynx- masseter muscles, abdomen- neck -shoulder muscles- & inter costal muscles. The man infected by consuming affected pork meat (fresh or un cooked) containing the cyst or by auto infected or egg ingest. But pork & pigs affected by ingestion food contaminated with these worms eggs..
Judgment:- The carcass rejected in case of presence one cyst
3- Ttrichinella Spiralis: 3- Ttrichinella Spiralis: it consider as nematode & it's a very small parasite living in small intestine of mammalian-(cystic stage) presence in voluntary muscle & human-pigs & rats causing a dangerous disease. called Trichinosis. it consider as nematode & it's a very small parasite living in small intestine of mammalian-(cystic stage) presence in voluntary muscle & human-pigs & rats causing a dangerous disease. called Trichinosis. Man infected when ingestion of pig meat affected with these larvae,while pig affected due to ingestion of affected meat or rats or rat's faces or contaminated food with pigs faces. Man infected when ingestion of pig meat affected with these larvae,while pig affected due to ingestion of affected meat or rats or rat's faces or contaminated food with pigs faces. The larva will pass to blood stream & reaching the muscles then inter to the fibers & twisted as a spherical shape surrounding by layer after 6 week & calcified& after 6 month the parasite remain a life for several years. The larva will pass to blood stream & reaching the muscles then inter to the fibers & twisted as a spherical shape surrounding by layer after 6 week & calcified& after 6 month the parasite remain a life for several years. Favored organs: The muscles-diaghragm- larynx- tongue- abdominal muscles & intercostal muscles The muscles-diaghragm- larynx- tongue- abdominal muscles & intercostal muscles The larva can be diagnosed by using microscope
Judgment:- the carcass rejected in sever affection but in case of local lesions, It can be deals with one of the methods which are mentioned before. (heating – salting). B- Parasite transfer to human indirectly:- 1- Echinococcus granulosus. the mature warm present in small intestine of dog & cats, it length about 2-8mm (smaller tape worm) but the cystic stage called hydatid cyst exist in sheep, cattle, goat, camel, horse, human& pig organs causing a dangerous disease called hydatiosis.
The affected organs: liver, lungs, spleen, kidneys, heart, joints, muscle & brain. the sac size differ from bean to baby's head or football & some times it's circle, or oval or irregular shape like in liver. The hydatid cyst may have a lyses period leaving lesions lock like T.B nodules, but you can differentiated by that, the hydatid cyst lesions are thin, soft & the flexible & when you pressure on sac contains the particles, it will leave the sac as soft thin wall in addition there is no enlargement in region L. nodes. The cyst is not harmful for human if it ingested but it dangerous when it ingested by dog & cat then the larva will develop to mature worm in intestine then it will excrete the eggs with faces making a contamination to man's food & water. it may transport by direct contact with animal by touching the animal by it's owner & contaminated his fingers with eggs then it well reach to stomach by ingestion then to blood & organs then it will grow to hydatid cyst,(that why have to make a precautions when you have dog or cat & don't let the street dog to inter the slaughter house. with good condemn & burning of affected organs with hydatid cyst).
Judgment:- In case of one or 2 sac in organ the sac are destroyed by burning or boiling. But in case of many sac remove affected organ & in case of presence of hydatid cyst in muscles ( sever case) with presence of emaciation the carcass will rejected. C- parasite which not transfer to human:- it important for meat inspectors because it give the carcass a repugnant or an comfortable view. A- skin parasite :- like many parasite (mite) the affected organs will removed & destroyed. B- S.C. parasite:- like hypodermal ex. warble fly these parasite causing a small hole or swelling under skin like nodules. C- mucous membrane parasite:- & it's arthropod like Oestrue ovis the larva presence in muscle membrane & sheep producing a chronic catarrhal inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane & adjoining cavities. the invade the nasal passage, even reaching the frontal sinus & horn cores resulting irritation of mucous membrane associated with amuco purulent nasal discharges. Judgment:- remove the head only, if there are larva with pus in skull.
D- parasite transfer to man by fish meat. D- parasite transfer to man by fish meat. 1- Diphyllobothrium Latum: 1- Diphyllobothrium Latum: it's tape worm presence in human & it's length 2-10m but the larva stage called Plero cercoid which exist in fresh water fish in muscles & mesenteric fat in liver- testes, ovaries. it's tape worm presence in human & it's length 2-10m but the larva stage called Plero cercoid which exist in fresh water fish in muscles & mesenteric fat in liver- testes, ovaries. It's color greenish & surrounding by transparent tissue, but its sensitive to freezing & heating. It's color greenish & surrounding by transparent tissue, but its sensitive to freezing & heating. Man affected when consumed affected fish meat special when it's fresh or un cocked causing sever anemia. Man affected when consumed affected fish meat special when it's fresh or un cocked causing sever anemia..
Judgment: the affected fish condemned
2- Hetrophyes hetrophyes:- it's suckers worm lock like plant leave & it's present in man small intestine the cystic stage called Metacercaria which present in fish muscles. Judgment: - the affected fish condemned.