French 2 R 1. Review infinitives…See next 3 slides! Your Quiz on these is Tuesday! 2. Finish presentations! No games/fashion show today!
ER VERBS INFINITIVES ! 1. Chanter- To sing 2. Danser-To dance 3. Dîner-To eat dinner, eat out 4. Écouter- To listen to 5. Étudier- To study 6. Jouer-To Play 7. Manger-To eat 8. Nager-To swim 9. Parler- To speak 10. Regarder- To look at or watch 11. Téléphoner (à)- To call, phone 12. Travailler- To work 13. Voyager- To travel 14. Aimer- To like/love 15. Habiter (à)- To live in/at 16. Inviter- To invite 17. Organiser- To organize 18. Visiter- To visit 19. Rentrer- To return 20. Aider- To help 21. Rencontrer- To meet by chance 22. Dépenser- To spend 23. Retrouver- To meet 24. Prêter- To loan 25. Marcher- To walk 26. Passer- To pass by, spend time 27. Apporter- To bring 28. Louer- To rent 29. Arriver- To arrive 30. Acheter- To purchase, buy 31. Porter- To carry or wear 32. Gagner- To win or earn 33. Préférer- To prefer 34. Adorer- To love, adore 35. Détester- To hate 36. Trouver- To find 37. Chercher- To look for 38. Préparer- To prepare 39. Rester- To stay/remain 40. Retourner- To return 41. Entrer- To enter 42. Monter- To climb/go up 43. Demander- To ask 44. Donner- To give 45. Fermer- To close 46. Laver- To wash 47. Oublier- To forget 48. Penser- To think 49. Pleurer- To cry 50. Montrer- To show
Some “IR” verbs: 1. Choisir-to choose 2. Finir-to finish 3. Grossir-to gain weight 4. Maigrir-to lose weight 5. Réussir-to succeed (à un examen=to pass a test) 6. Bâtir-to build 7. Obéir-to obey
Some “RE” verbs: 1. Attendre-to wait for 2. Entendre-to hear 3. Perdre-to lose 4. Rendre visite à-To pay a visit to 5. Répondre-to answer, respond 6. Vendre-to sell 7. Rendre-to give back, return things 8. Descendre-to go down, climb off, descend
Le francais 2 PreAP Handout: Borrowed words “H” Quick review of infinitives (see previous slides) Practice for Show/lunch! FASHION SHOW!!!
Le francais 3 1. Les verbes réfléchis: DEPP verbes reflechis DEPP B.pptx 2. Practique: 35-38, Pg. 42 et 43:vocabulaire. 3. Regardez: projet de l’art L'art.doc 4. Finissez le film ? L’interro: Les verbes réfléchis- la semaine prochaine PAS DE DEVOIRS!
French 1 1. Turn in rough drafts for post card! DUE FIRST 5 MINUTES OF CLASS OR WORK ON THEM AND TURN THEM IN ON MONDAY. I DO NOT ACCEPT LATE WORK LATER IN CLASS! 2. Turn in late Vocab. Flashcards for 70%. (last day!) 3. Handout: Borrowed words “B”-definitions due Wednesday (with part of speech). See Canada Specs! French I Canada project.docx TODAY IS FFF!!! FILM/FUN & GAMES: YOU VOTE! THOSE WITH ZERO’S MUST WORK THOUGH! Coming up next week: Speaking pkt. Review! Post cards: working on them next week, & grading APT. Killer quiz is also Tuesday! Oral grade-speaking test (Thurs/Fri): topic pix!