Ash Better Dash!! Have you ever seen this bug? If you haven’t, you will soon. ‘Cuz it’s out to get your ash trees.
Frequently asked questions How did the emerald ash borer get here? Well it came from Asia in a wooden package that was on a ship being shipped from Asia. Why should we care? It is responsible for the death or decline of tens of million ash trees. Where is it found? Its been found in many places across the u.s Will it hurt humans ? NO the ash borer only eats trees. What does it look like? The color varies but adults are usually bronze or golden green allover, with a little metallic,and under the wings is purplish red. its also a little smaller than the size of a penny. How can we help? Plant different types of trees in your environment. What to do if you think a tree may be being attacked ?call your local arborist the local arborist number in Pennsylvania is Does the ash borer eat other trees? actually an experiment was done and they put the ash borer in a cage with pieces of other trees the ash borer only ate the ash tree so no. Why does it do this ? well think about it the emerald ash borer is a regular bug like any other bug so it has to eat something or it would die, and this bug only likes ash trees. Why don’t we just kill every ash tree and plant new ones? because if we did that then it would take years for all those ash trees to grow back. Why don’t we kill every ash borer? Because we cant there is over 8,000,000 ash borers in the world.
History of the Emerald Ash Borer The EBA or Emerald Ash Borer ( Agrilus planipennis ) is responsible for the deaths or decline in millions of ash trees in different states in the Midwest and Northeast. Native to Asia, it has been found in China, Korea, Japan, Mongolia, and other countries. It most likely arrived in wood shipped from Asia, and with faster traveling over seas they could have survived the trip. The EAB was first discovered in Michigan in 2002, and arrived in Pennsylvania when wood was shipped here. The first EAB detected in Pennsylvania was in 2007, and it’s a major problem not just here, but all across the country. Here in Pennsylvania and across the country there are quarantine zones in which we are containing this beetle. Recently in North Park we’ve released a hornet from Asia. This hornet is the size of a gnat, but sure helps. It may be small, but it can sure sting and kill an EAB. Hopefully in the future more trees will appear. This won’t totally eliminate the EBA, but it will lower numbers. Now we’re just trying to delay this pest, and thanks to nurseries that donated trees we planted trees that the EBA can’t hurt.
Trees provide homes for many animals... They keep our air nice and clean. In the year 2000,9.8 billion acres of the forest covered the earth. That’s almost 30 percent of earth’s land. There is 747 million acres of the forest land United States. Did you know trees are the earths longest living organism.
Resources The Emerald Ash Borer is a small green bug no bigger than a penny. It has destroyed many trees in the United States. In the United States it has hit most of the Northeast, part of the Midwest, and some Southern states. Even parts of Canada. Think of how many people this effects. The Emerald Ash Borer also is shortening the life of many Ash trees in the United States. Soon this small bug will begin to spread big problems across our country!
Emerald Ash Borer Facts EmeraldAshBorer.jpg The Emerald Ash Borer is a beetle that came from Asia. It is effecting our ash trees, by taking all their nutrients in their larva. The larva of the Ash Beetle eats the inside of the bark causing the ash trees to not get their full nutrients and water. Our Government has sent special bees in North Park that eat emerald ash borers. You can save your ash trees by calling your local arbore to inject them. The chemicals in the injection will not effect the ash tree, it will only kill the emerald ash borer inside of it.
Color the Emerald Ash Boer!
Emerald Ash Borer Facts The Emerald Ash Borer is a beetle that came from Asia. It is also named Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire. It is effecting our ash trees by taking all their nutrients in their larva. The larva of the Ash Beetle eats the inside of the bark, causing the ash tree to get fewer nutrients and less water than it needs. Our Government has released special wasps in North Park that eat emerald ash borers. You can save your ash trees by calling your local arbor to inject them. The chemicals in the injection will not effect the ash tree, they will only kill the emerald ash borer inside of it. It looks like a harmless green cricket and is the size of a penny but it is actually the most dangerous predator that has hit all of Pennsylvania! It was found in Pennsylvania in It has not just hit Pennsyvania, it has hit many other States in the Midwest! A total of 17 states have been affected, and is spreading. EmeraldAshBorer.jpg