2 main types: Old world and New world hookworms Scientific name: A. duodenale (Old World) N. americanus (New World) Greyish white or pinkish in color Measure to be about 1 cm in length There are males and females
Egg hatches and produce larva that then develops into infective form. Once at infective form, penetrates skin and enters blood stream, then goes to the intestinal system via respiratory tract.
Larva penetrating skin causes allergic reaction. In small numbers cause: stomach discomfort, diarrhea and vomiting In larger numbers: Blood loss Iron deficiency creeping eruption Can get creeping eruption in dog form of hookworm.
Old World hookworm found in Europe and Mediterranean countries New World hookworm found in the Americas
Treatment: Just a single dose of Albendazole 400mg Prevention: Avoid areas where it is known that the population defecate directly onto the soil. Wear shoes
Inhabit the lymphatic system but can be found subcutaneous Important parasites in this category are: W. bancrofti Loa loa WHO had estimated that approx million were infected by W. bancrofti
Intermediate host for W. bancrofti: Mosquito Intermediate host for L. loa African biting fly W. bancrofti reproduce sexually and live in lymphatic system. Do migrate depending on time of day to get picked up by mosquito L. loa will live in subcutaneous tissue and migrate throughout the body.
W. bancrofti Early symptoms: Fever, leaking of lymphatic fluid in extremities Late symptoms: FDS – “filarial dance sign” Elephantiasis – enlargement of one or more limbs Migration is not painful Can form rashes during migration Calabar swellings Loa loa
W. bancrofti – found mostly in the tropics and subtropics. Been found in Haiti and some refuges in South Florida. L. loa – found in Sub-Saharan Africa and India. Also found to infect African monkeys American deerfly also found to be suitable intermediate host.
Prevention for both: To control mosquito population or the fly population DDT, Bug spray, Bed nets Treatment for W. bancrofti: Hetrazan, Notezine – actually can be obtained through CDC As been distributed in mass by adding it to table salt. Surgical procedures in cases of elephantiasis Treatment for L. loa Hetrazan Surgical removal