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2 Welcome to Kentucky and Introductions KY’s Strategic Vision for EMR Enterprise Solution Vendor Procurement Tentative Timeline Open Questions and Feedback Kentucky Electronic Medical Records RFP Pre-release Vendor Conference Discussion Outline
3 Electronic Medical Records RFP Structure and Scope Solution scalable for both the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Behavior Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (DBHDID) and the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, Department of Corrections (KYDOC) The scope of this RFP is to provide a long-term health clinical information solution for both the KYDOC and DBHDID facilities. The solution should be able to provide Meaningful Use reporting as specified by federal and state guidelines; and Continuity of Care Document (CCD) to meet Health Information Exchange (HIE) requirements. The system should meet the following requirements at the patient level, facility level, and system level as appropriate. The plan is to fully automate functions in an integrated system with some of the following core applications: (Note: This is not a complete list) Admission, Discharge and Transfer & Census Medical Records Document Imaging and Archiving Account Receivable and Billing Pharmacy Inventory/Distribution Medication Administration Functionality Integrated Report Writer Laboratory Information System Scheduling The Commonwealth requires that the future EMR system be built using the following principles:
4 Electronic Medical Records RFP Deliverables Below is a list of the deliverables: Core Application software Data Migration Installation of software Implementation and Implementation Plan Training Disaster Recovery Plan User and Reference Documentation Meaningful Use Reporting Acceptance Testing Updates and upgrades Issue Management and Support Continuity of Care Document (CCD) & Health Information Exchange connectivity
Vendor Procurement Tentative Timeline 5 Release of the RFP – May 2013 Proposals Due – June 2013 Scoring/Negotiations – July 2013 Contract Award – July/August 2013
Open Questions and Feedback