Investment Strategy Perspective The Post Election Outlook Hope and Change or More of the Same? November 2012
“Elections Have Consequences” – Barack Obama 10/31 Status Quo Ante: Divided Government Is 51% / 49% a Mandate? Compromise vs. Confrontation in Washington Fiscal Cliff Is the Near-Term Challenge Debt and Deficits Are the Long-Term Challenge Safe to Say: Taxes Are Going Up – Higher Rates vs. Broader Base Safe to Say: Regulation is Going Up – Industry Winners and Losers Monetary Policy: Easy Does It Whither the Dollar? 2
Unemployment RateConsumer Price Inflation Unemployment and Inflation: Which is the Lesser Evil? 10/31 % 3
Composite PMI 10/31 Consumer Sentiment 10/31 Current Conditions: Are Business and Consumers on the Same Page? 4
Housing StartsMedian Existing Home Prices U.S. Housing Market: The Worst May Be Over, But a Long Way to Go 9/30 Thousands$ Thousands 5
U.S. Bank Deposits vs. LendingCorporate Cash Money: Not in Motion 12/31 9/30 $ Trillion 6
Average Hourly EarningsReal Median Family Income Here’s the Real Problem: Stagnant Income Growth 12/31 % $ 7
8 S&P 500 Operating Earnings Stock Market Fundamentals: Earnings Up, P/E Ratios Not P/E Ratio 10/31 Quarterly High/Low (Assuming Perfect EPS Foresight)
Price/Earnings Ratio vs. Price/Yield RatiosEarnings Yield vs. Bond Yields Extreme Valuations 10/31 9 % x
10 Year Treasury Yield Net Inflows to Fixed Income Mutual Funds (Monthly)Net Inflows to Equity Mutual Funds (Monthly) S&P 500 Operating Earnings 9/30 Trailing 4 Quarters $ Billions % Curiouser and Curiouser: What Are Individual Investors Thinking? 10
Pension Funds (Estimated)Endowments and Foundations What is the “Smart Money” Thinking? 12/314/30 11
Asset Allocation Highmount Bird in Hand Strategy 12
Investment Performance Highmount Bird in Hand Strategy 13 The Highmount Bird In Hand Portfolio is a model portfolio and the related performance is hypothetical. Performance is time-weighted total rate of return. All returns are gross of fees. The customary Highmount fee for this strategy is 1% per annum. Inception Date is 9/30/2010. *Benchmark is 33% 3-month Treasury Bill/33% Barclays Aggregate Bond Index/33%S&P500.
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