Rediscovering our Cooperative Roots: Reinventing Revenue Growth, Member and Loan Attraction Scott Butterfield, CUDE
“We must remember what we started out to do and then find ways to do it with the modern techniques available.” Louise M. Herring
Using Louise’ Advice 1.Remember what credit union’s started out to do 2.Identify what’s changed 3.Discuss some modern techniques to reinvent revenue, member and loan growth.
Our Origins Socially Responsible Focus Affordable access to credit Promote thrift Has This Focus Been Successful?
Early Movement Growth Total number of credit union’s grew during the great depression. 1,100 in 1929 to 1,700 in 1932 Total number of credit unions continued to grow after the war 17,256 in 1956 to 23,761 in 1969 (peak) Our Focus on Affordable Access to Credit Resonated Strongly with Consumer Need.
What’s Changed? Economy Period of long-term growth has ended Consumer’s are in rough shape Deeply in dept Lost significant wealth during recession Prospects of long-term high unemployment Impaired credit scores
What’s Changed? The Housing Market Mortgage Loans are 48% of our total loans
What’s Changed? Automotive Market
What’s Changed? Household Debt
What’s Changed? Regulatory and Legislative Escalating regulatory burden Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 23,000 pages of legislation Introduces 387 rules from 20 separate federal agencies 75 changes to existing regulations and over 20 new regulations stemming from Dodd Frank.
What’s Changed? Complexity Credit union operations are more complex Especially for the 70% of credit unions that are less than 30 million Rising system and HR costs Specialized HR training and skill sets required
What’s Changed? Competition Banks Lower traditional loan demand Shrinking pool of well qualified borrowers More community chartered credit unions Overlapping geographic trade areas Look, sound and act alike Similar product, rate and service offering Weak consumer understanding of credit union differentiation.
Modern Techniques Our People Get the right people on the "bus” Ensure proper training and skill sets for today’s new reality Make the hard decisions What are some of the new skill sets that might be needed more today? “There are going to be times when you can’t wait for somebody. Now, you’re either on the bus or off the bus”. Ken Kesey from Good to Great
Modern Techniques Systems and Resources Correctly aligned with current member need for access (including credit) and service Have consumer needs changed in the past 5 years? Leverage cooperative roots Joint CUSO’s – lending, collections, operations, compliance, training Facility sharing
Modern Techniques Membership Growth Strategies Identifying and Leveraging the CU Difference Purpose – People over profits Products and services that meet consumers current financial needs Reputation and trust Social responsibility Local community presence and local funding Stability – well-capitalized, lower risk Affordability
Modern Techniques Membership Growth Strategies Community Focused Opportunity Programs targeted to low and moderate income Financial education Access to credit and savings accounts Asset building tools such as matched savings accounts
Best Practices #1 Best Practice – Lower East Side Peoples FCU $32.0 million assets NY, NY 3 Branches Financial education Payday alternative loans Risked based lending Check cashing Remittances Shared secured Credit cards IDA accounts
Best Practices #1
Modern Techniques Loan Growth Strategies Effective Lending Cultures Underserved, Opportunity Markets – Microenterprise Business Loans
Best Practices #2 Alternatives Federal Credit Union 77.5 Million Assets 1 Branch, Ithaca, NY Microenterprise Business Services Chartered expressly for Small Business Needs Education Lending Products/Services
Best Practices #2
Why It Matters Our current model is struggling Growing and competing in the new environment will be difficult Historical precedence that CU’s have survived and thrived during periods of economic challenges Consumers need credit unions more than ever before A renewed focus on “what we started out to do” will resonate with consumers today leading to Revenue, Membership and Loan Growth
Thank You! Scott Butterfield, CUDE, CUCE, CCUE Your Credit Union Partner