Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Background
Sustainability Paradigm Shift: Rain is a Resource, Not a Waste
Sustainable Materials Management 6 SMM is an approach to promote sustainable materials use, integrating actions targeted at reducing negative environmental impacts and preserving natural capital throughout the life-cycle of materials, taking into account economic efficiency and social equity. -OECD Working Group on Waste Prevention and Recycling Human consumption of natural resources has increased to 125% of global capacity and could rise to 170% by By 2050, world consumption will reach 140 billion tons of minerals, ores, fossil fuels and biomass/year unless economic growth is decoupled from rate of natural resource consumption. With less than 5% of world’s population, the U.S. was responsible for 1/3 of the world’s material consumption from
Sustainable Materials Management Economic Importance 7 Business Cannot Succeed Alone Fundamental changes needed in governance structures, economic frameworks, and, business and human behavior. Government defines targets, creates level playing fields and eliminates barriers to enable innovation and the development and deployment solutions. EPA Plays an Essential Role Convening stakeholders. Providing credible science and information. Providing transparent and public information. Promoting new ideas and approaches via challenges and recognition. Developing standards.
Sustainable Materials Management 8
Sustainable Materials Management EPA’s RCRA Program’s Role 9 We are transitioning to SMM with clear goals and milestones. The Resource Conservation Challenge laid groundwork for current focus on life cycle of materials. Flexibility is needed: To build efficiencies into program and processes. To make adjustments based on experience.
National SMM Framework
Lifecycle Assessment: Where to Learn
Fiscal Year 2012 Regional Priorities
Regional Project: Rural Recycling
Regional Project: Keeping Recycling Economics Updated
Regional Project: Capturing Economic Contribution in the Southeast
Non-hazardous Secondary Materials
Legitimacy Criteria Fuel
Legitimacy Criteria Ingredient
Basis of Determination
Other Relevant Information
Promoting C&D Recycling in the Southeast
The End of the Building’s Life is NOT the End of the Building Material’s Life
C&D Characterization - National
Regional Projects – C&D Website
Resource Sites
Green Building Toolkit
Green Building Toolkit Background
We Are Not Separate From Our Ecosystem
Green Building Toolkit How This Got Started
Green Building Toolkit Project Plan
The Code Assessment Toolkit Addresses Sustainable Sites and Responsible Land Use Development Material and Resource Conservation Energy Conservation and Atmospheric Quality Water Efficiency, Conservation and Management Indoor Environmental Air Quality 5 environmental areas addressed
Green Initiatives & Objectives Goal Stating environmental purpose of subcategory Rationale Explaining why the goal is important to a sustainable built environment Question Relating current permitting process to goal
Technology and Techniques Strategies Possible strategies for approaching goal in planning, design, or construction phases Code Barriers Sections of building codes where barriers may be
Assessment of Codes Assessment Required by code Incentivized Expressly Allowed Case Silent, typically allowed Case Silent, not typically allowed Expressly Prohibited
Resource Guides
Green Building Toolkit Action Plan Questions