Expectations at NHJH What can I do to make school life at NHJH a great experience for myself or anyone?
Dress Code In order to enhance high standards in our schools, we must encourage neatness, cleanliness, and decency in personal dress and appearance of all students. In view of this, all students will be expected to be dressed and groomed so as to present a respectable image in keeping with current style and good taste. 1.Dress and appearance must not present health and safety hazards or cause disruption of the educational process. 2.A student shall not wear or display emblems, insignias, badges, or other symbols if the message is intended to mock, ridicule, or otherwise demean or provoke others because of race, religion, national origin, or other individual’s views. 3.Clothing that advertises drugs, alcohol beverages, tobacco, suggests obscenities, or presents double messages may not be worn. 4.Students must wear shoes (no house shoes or skate shoes).
5. No hats, caps, bandanas, toboggans/ski caps, or head coverings of any kind will be worn in the buildings. Hair bows are allowed. 6. Pants, jeans, or shorts must be in good clean repair, skin or undergarments above the knee must not be visible. No pajamas are allowed. 7. Sagging and/or excessively loose clothing will not be tolerated. For all clothing, the waistband must be above the top of the hipbone. Undergarments may not show. 8. Extreme styles in hair or clothing that may cause a disturbance or disruption will not be permitted. 9. Any clothing accessory, i.e., billfold chain, hair rake, etc. that can be used to inflict physical injury will not be allowed. Hair rakes will be confiscated. Combs and picks will not be worn as head gear.
For Boys: 1. See through shirts, muscle shirts, and tank tops are not allowed. 2. Sagging is not allowed. 3. The hem of a t-shirt and/or jersey shall be no longer than 12” below the waist. 4. Shorts must be no less than fingertip length. 5. Shirts cannot expose the midriff or abdomen.
For Girls: 1.Dresses, skirts, and blouses cannot expose the midriff, the back, or cleavage. 2.Dresses and skirts may not be more than 2 ½ inches above the knee. 3.Undergarments may not show. 4.No long jerseys or long t-shirts are allowed. 5.No jersey dresses are allowed.
6. No dresses with spaghetti straps are allowed. 7. No tank tops are allowed. 8.Shorts must be no less than fingertip length. 9. No see-through shirts are allowed. 10. Leggings (including denim) may only be worn with dresses, skirts and shorts that meet dress code length. They must not be excessively tight.
Sagging/Dress Code Violations First Offense: Warning if correctable, if not sent home Second Offense: 1 day Out of School Suspension Third Offense: 5 days Out of School Suspension Fourth Offense: 10 days Out of School Suspension Fifth Offense: 10 days Out of School/Recommendation for Expulsion
Absences Students will have only 5 days after returning to school to present attendance notes Students who exceed 10 absences in a semester will have a FINS filed (Family in Need of Services) with the prosecuting attorney
Tardies 1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: Warning 3rd offense: 1 day ISS (ISS teacher to contact parent) 4th offense: 2 days ISS (ISS teacher to contact parent) 5th offense: Student Code of Conduct Rule 19 Category II Habitual Misbehavior 6th offense: Student Code of Conduct Rule 19 Category II Habitual Misbehavior 7th offense: Student Code of Conduct Rule 19 Category II Habitual Misbehavior 8th offense: Student Code of Conduct Violation Category III Incorrigible Behavior 5 days Out of School Suspension/Mandatory Conference 9thOffense: Category III Rule 14
Fighting First Offense: 10 days About FACE Second Offense: 20 days About FACE Third Offense: Recommendation for expulsion A FINS referral may be filed after each occurrence.
Cell Phones Possession of Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices-Students are responsible for conducting themselves in a manner that respects the rights of others. Possession and use of any electronic device, whether district or student owned, that interferes with a positive, orderly classroom environment does not respect the rights of others and is expressly forbidden. Use of an electronic device is strictly prohibited during school hours unless permission is granted by the classroom teacher. Corrective Options: 1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: three (3) days ISS 3rd offense: five (5) days ISS 4th offense: twenty (20) days About FACE 5th offense: recommendation for expulsion A student in possession of a cell phone, whether or not it belongs to him/her, will be subject to the corrective options for cell phone usage.
D-Hall Expectations D-Hall will be held in room 702 If you are not in the d-hall room by 3:30 you will be sent out and the assigned day of d-hall will not count You are expected to stay quiet Becomes Category II- if you skip d-hall or are dismissed for behavior
Category III Violations Corrective Options for Category III Immediate out-of-school suspension for up to 10 days; possible FINS referral; possible recommendation for expulsion; and notification of legal authorities when necessary.
Rule 10 Weapons, Dangerous Instruments A student will not possess, handle, or transmit a knife, razor, ice pick, syringe hypodermic needle, explosives, fireworks, pistol, rifle, shotgun, pellet gun, defensive sprays, lasers or any other weapon, dangerous instrument, or object that looks like a weapon or dangerous instrument. If a student discovers that he/she has unintentionally taken a knife or any other object(s) that might be considered a weapon or could be used as a weapon (except firearm) to school, he/she may turn it in to school officials voluntarily and immediately without fear of penalty. A student who uses or threatens to use any of the above mentioned objects or other objects which might reasonably be considered a weapon to inflict physical injury to any person at any time will not be tolerated.
Academic Expectations Sub Group Results for MATH Expectations All Students
Sub Group Results for LITERACY Expectations Combined Population
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