The honeybee (Apis mellifera) was introduced to Australia in 1810 by Samuel Marsden who imported an unknown number of colonies from England. The early settlers attempted to use the honeybees for pollination of fruit trees but the first attempts to establish bee colonies failed. A second successful introduction was made in 1822* Beekeeping in Queensland
Bees collect nectar, pollen and water each day to take back to the hive so that future generations can live. The raw nectar comes from flowers. They mix this with secretions from their glands, thereby transforming it and after it is deposited in the comb, it ripens into honey after a few days* Beekeeping in Queensland
WHY HONEY? Honey is a quick, safe and natural energy giver because its simple sugars are quickly absorbed into the blood stream. Honey contains many vitamins and minerals. Honey is made up of: Natural sugars 80% (mainly levulose, Dextrose and glucose) Moisture 17% Mineral traces 3% * Beekeeping in Queensland
Queen bees live for 1 to 4 years Drone bees live for 6 to 8 weeks Worker bees live for 6 to 8 weeks* Beekeeping in Queensland
Queens can lay up to 2,000 eggs in 1 day. (That is 1 egg every 43.2 seconds) It takes 21 days from an egg to a bee. There are about 40,000 / 60,000 bees in each beehive. Each bee frame has about 3,000 cells on each side of the frame. (6,000 cells per frame)* Beekeeping in Queensland
Honey Comb
Beekeeping in Queensland Bees are attracted to Dark colours which can excite them, so it is best to wear light colours & NOT dark.(Hats and Socks as well) 100 bee hives can use up to 1,000 litres of water in a week, That's 10 litres per each bee hive each week.*
Beekeeping in Queensland
Bees can beat their wings up to 200 times per Second as they fly. (They have 4 wings) This is how they make their buzzing noise. Bees can carry 50% of there weight in a load of honey and a Jumbo can only carry about 25% of their weight. Honey does not have a use by date, In Egypt they found honey that could be eaten after 2,000 years.*
Beekeeping in Queensland
Bees need to eat about 7 kilograms of honey to make 1 kilogram of bees wax. Pollen contains high levels of Protein, 1 kilogram of Pollen contains the same protein as 5 kilo of beef. Bees use only about 1 teaspoon of honey to fly around the world.*
Beekeeping in Queensland
Honey Types Blue Gum,Grey Gum Tea Tree,Yellow Box Brush Box,Spotted Gum Iron Bark,Bloodwood Stringybark,Gum-Top Box *
Beekeeping in Queensland
A Bee is an Insect Head Thorax Abdomen 4 Wings 6 Legs
Beekeeping in Queensland THE END