Federation The Birth Of The Nation January 1st 1901
What is Federation? Uniting all of the colonies into single government is called Federation Federation is a system of government in which several states form a unity but remain independent in their own affairs A central government is created with authority to deal with certain matters outlined in a constitution
Why did Federation occur? Federation came about due to a long debate that began in the 19th century In 1847 Earl Grey suggested that if the separate colonies of NSW, Queensland, Victoria and the others combined it would simplify the postal, immigration, rail and road systems on the continent
Why did Federation occur? Each of the colonies had their own systems of transport, postage, customs, railways, laws and government Uniting all of the colonies under a single government would combine all of these systems under a single organisation
Factors against Federation Geography and distance Attitude of New South Wales Tradition Fears of smaller colonies Loss of power The labour movement No reasons for federation Queensland’s cane farmers More urgent issues
Factors for Federation Growing Australian nationalism Better communications Defence Immigration Trade Influential people British support Compromise between colonies
Year Nine History Heading: Federation Copy first paragraph on page 13 into books. Highlight important words. Copy Source 2.1 into books. Complete Test Your Understanding 1, 2, 3 and 4 on pages 13 and 14 Trace map on page 14 into books
Year 9 history homework Week 5: Retroactive History Text Book Page 13: Check Your Understanding 1, 2 and 3 on page 13. Week 6: Retroactive History Text Book Page 13: Using Sources 1, 2 and 3 on page 13. Assessment Task Due 31st March and not 21st