Aims, objectives and how we work Chris Murphy Project Officer, APSIM
The Agricultural Production Systems Research Unit (APSRU) was founded in the early 1990’s to bring together like minded scientists in the field of farming systems research. APSRU grew out of work pioneered in Australia, it developed APSIM and had a large portfolio of collaborative projects. In 2006, it was recommended that APSIM development be split from the farming systems research History
What is APSIM? A highly advanced agricultural systems model created: to model system performance over time with an equal emphasis on crop and soil dimensions with a capability to deal comprehensively with management matters
APSIM’s Central Concept The soil provides a central focus, crops, livestock, seasons and managers come and go, finding the soil in one state and leaving it in another.
The APSIM initiative (AI) has been established to promote the development and use of the science modules and infrastructure software of APSIM. The Foundation Members of the AI are CSIRO, the State of Queensland (DAFF) and The University of Queensland. New parties are welcome to join at any time. Purpose: Ongoing development and maintenance of a world class framework for the testing and simulation of agricultural systems. The APSIM Initiative
An open and transparent ‘APSIM Community Source Framework’ (modified open source) Aims to facilitate broadly based, collaborative science Free public good licensing (standard non-commercial licence) Software quality control Version control process Science quality control Scientific Reference Panel acts like an editorial board IP & risk management Joint venture agreement and licensing APSIM training & support Training as a fee for service activity, online support forum Commercial delivery arrangements Approved by Steering Committee Technical & Business Agenda
Farming systems research Key tool integrated into R&D projects Broadening of the scope of APSIM New modules being developed and existing models being integrated Crop adaptation and improvement Used in crop breeding programs Climate Risk Management and Climate Change Climate risk management was core to development & is a key tool in climate adaptation projects Science Agenda
Science Impacts 975 Non-Commercial R&D licenses having been issues in 2013/14 This resulted in around 1,600 downloads of APSIM APSIM is being used in some 98 counties around the world. 551 journal articles, conference proceeding, books etc. referencing APSIM (as at 30 June 2014).
Science Impacts
Practice Impact Commercial licensing Australia & NZ Delivery to farmers, agronomists and grains industry through: Birchip Cropping Group – Yield Prophet® Grain Growers Ltd – ProductionWise® Internationally Plant breeding through: Pioneer Hi-Bred International Limagrain Europe
Improvements & Modifications All proposed science and source code changes to APSIM be evaluated by the Reference Panel (RP) in terms of science and software quality. The RP will be looking for synergies with existing modules or proposals already in the system. In addition, linkages with others working in similar fields will be encouraged. The RP will be evaluating whether any proposed improvement or modification is in the best interests of the APSIM community.
Process Step 1: Submit Proposal (Major Task) Description of the concept or proposed improvements Rationale and Justification Details of the proposed improvements Implications for users Step 2: Proposal Evaluation Reference Panel evaluates proposal before giving approval to proceed Step 3: Implementation Developer provides an Implementation Report which outlines new functionality in terms of science and software Step 4: Review An reviewer is appointed to assess the science and software Step 5: Release
Support for Users & Developers Access to APSIM Website Online registration, licensing and downloads News items & events Documentation User Support Support forum APSIM Users & Developers Forum Training Training (fee for service activity) Other needs? Additional training options?