The Rise of LNG - Australia Shell Estimate IEA New Policy Estimate Japan Govt Estimate AUSTRALIAN OUTLOOK Current production-20 mtpa Short-term-Pluto 24 mtpa Medium-term-2015 approach 60 mtpa Long-term-exceed 100 mtpa Underpinned by long-term contracts GLOBAL OUTLOOK Current Global LNG demand strong Short-term-uncertain but recovering Medium-term-supply/demand balance Long-term-very positive
Australian LNG Projects
Floating LNG Novel application of existing technology Shell’s Prelude field 450km offshore in Browse Basin * Will be first FLNG operation in the world * Potential 3.5 mtpa LNG processing train Santos with GDF Suez in the Bonaparte Basin Sunrise Project PTTEP
CSG Projects Australia has potential CSG reserves of 150 tcf World’s first coal seam gas to LNG for export projects 4 major projects proposed for Gladstone, Queensland * BG/QGC – Queensland Curtis LNG (in construction) * Santos/Petronas/Total/KOGAS – Gladstone LNG (in construction) * Origin/ConocoPhillips – Australia Pacific LNG (EPBC approved) * Shell – Curtis Island LNG Further small projects potential Potential capacity mtpa depending on gas reserves Other potential unconventional gas opportunities in Australia