Unit 2 – Invasive Species Management Hierarchy Randy G. Westbrooks Rebecca M. Westbrooks Steven Manning Global Invasive Species Programme Cape Town, South Africa Strategies for Invasive Species Prevention
Unit 2 Objectives Outline Pre-Border and Border Strategies for IAS Management – the first line of defense against IAS Outline Pre-Border and Border Strategies for IAS Management – the first line of defense against IAS Describe the elements and processes involves with Early Detection and Rapid Response for preventing the establishment and spread of new IAS within a country Describe the elements and processes involves with Early Detection and Rapid Response for preventing the establishment and spread of new IAS within a country Describe the various kinds of Control Strategies that are employed to contain and suppress large populations of IAS within a country Describe the various kinds of Control Strategies that are employed to contain and suppress large populations of IAS within a country
Unit 2 Session Outline. Session 1 – Session 1 – Pre-Border and Border Strategies – First Line of Defense Against IAS Pre-Border and Border Strategies – First Line of Defense Against IAS Session 2 – Session 2 – Post-Border Prevention – Early Detection and Rapid Response – Second Line of Defense Post-Border Prevention – Early Detection and Rapid Response – Second Line of Defense Session 3 – Session 3 – Post-Border Control Strategies – Third Line of Defense Post-Border Control Strategies – Third Line of Defense Session 4 – Session 4 – Traditional Agency Programs and Interagency Partnering Traditional Agency Programs and Interagency Partnering
Country A Country B Traditional Crop Protection Strategies Detection Containment Eradication Exclusion Control Prevention Preclearance
Session 1. Pre-Border and Border Clearance. First Line of Defense Against IAS. Production of Pest Free Commodities Production of Pest Free Commodities Preclearance at Ports of Export Preclearance at Ports of Export Port of Entry Inspection and Clearance Port of Entry Inspection and Clearance
2.1. Production of Pest Free Commodities in Exporting Countries. Imported Meat from FMD Free Countries Imported Meat from FMD Free Countries Certified Raw Wood Products Certified Raw Wood Products Citrus from Disease and Fruitfly Free Countries Citrus from Disease and Fruitfly Free Countries Certified Crop Seeds Certified Crop Seeds Weed Free Weed Free Disease Free Disease Free Establishment of Pest Free Zones Establishment of Pest Free Zones Certified Pest Free Zones (IPPC) Certified Pest Free Zones (IPPC) Pest Free Zones for Biodiversity Pest Free Zones for Biodiversity
2.1. Regulatory Pest Free Zones. S.E. Australia Fruitfly Exclusion Zone. Declared Pest Free in March, 2006 Queensland Fruitfly (Bactocera tryoni)
2.1. Regulatory Pest Free Zones. S.E. Australia Fruitfly Exclusion Zone. Neglected Fruit Tree. Well Tended Fruit Tree.
2.1. Pest Free Zones for Biodiversity. Tararu Valley Sanctuary – North Island, NZ. Extinct Species - Moa, Haast Eagle, Giant-gecko Extinct Species - Moa, Haast Eagle, Giant-gecko Bird Species Gone from Tararu Valley Bird Species Gone from Tararu Valley Kokako, Saddleback, North Island Robin, Kiwi, Whitehead, Kakariki, Matata (fernbird) Kokako, Saddleback, North Island Robin, Kiwi, Whitehead, Kakariki, Matata (fernbird) 100% Pest Free Zone 100% Pest Free Zone Acres Fenced Acres Fenced Eradication of All Pest Mammals Eradication of All Pest Mammals Return of Native Species Return of Native Species Giraffe Weevil (Lasiorhynchus barbicornis) Giraffe Weevil (Lasiorhynchus barbicornis) Kiwi – NZ National Bird Kiwi – NZ National Bird
2.2. Preclearance at Ports of Export. Inspection of High Risk Commodities for Export Inspection of High Risk Commodities for Export Treatment of Infested Commodities Treatment of Infested Commodities Advantages Advantages Thorough Examination of Shipment Before Stuffed into Container Thorough Examination of Shipment Before Stuffed into Container Mitigation of Problem in Exporting Country Mitigation of Problem in Exporting Country Identifies Pest Problems in Crop Production System Identifies Pest Problems in Crop Production System Facilitates Movement of Shipment Through Port of Entry Facilitates Movement of Shipment Through Port of Entry
2.3. Port of Entry Inspection and Clearance. Means of Conveyance Means of Conveyance Intermodal Containers Intermodal Containers People and Baggage People and Baggage Cargo and Commodities Cargo and Commodities
Port of Entry Inspection. Basic Equipment.
Treatment of IAS at Ports of Entry. Commodity Treatments Commodity Treatments Governed by Strict Regulations Governed by Strict Regulations Treatment Options Treatment Options Treat at Port of Entry Treat at Port of Entry Forward under Bond for Treatment at Destination Forward under Bond for Treatment at Destination Reject Entry and Re-Export Reject Entry and Re-Export Treatment Methods Treatment Methods Chemical Fumigation Chemical Fumigation Methyl Bromide Methyl Bromide Burning of Dunnage Burning of Dunnage Treatments for Perishable Commodities Hot-water Immersion Forced Hot Vapor Heat Irradiation
Asian Longhorned Beetle in the USA. A Case of Port of Entry Inspection Failure. Origin – China Origin – China Threat – Maple, Willow, Elm, Birch Threat – Maple, Willow, Elm, Birch Introduction to the USA Introduction to the USA 1996 – Brooklyn, New York 1996 – Brooklyn, New York 5,000 Trees Destroyed 5,000 Trees Destroyed 1998 – Chicago, Illinois 1998 – Chicago, Illinois 1,400 Trees Destroyed 1,400 Trees Destroyed
Asian Longhorned Beetle. Probably Mode of Entry. R. Westbrooks, Whiteville, NC
Seaports Airports Land Border Crossings..... National Ports of Entry – First Line of Defense… Beagle Brigade Lesson Learned: Regulatory Exclusion is about 5% Effective!
Session 2. Post-Border Prevention Strategies. Early Detection and Rapid Response Official Control of Regulated Pests. Quarantine Significant Pests Quarantine Significant Pests Regulated IAS – Absent from country, or of limited distribution, and under official control. Regulated IAS – Absent from country, or of limited distribution, and under official control. Official Control – Active enforcement and application of mandatory phytosanitary regulations for: Official Control – Active enforcement and application of mandatory phytosanitary regulations for: Containments and eradication of quarantine pests (Asian Longhorned Beetle in the USA) Containments and eradication of quarantine pests (Asian Longhorned Beetle in the USA) Management of regulated non-quarantine pests (Giant Salvinia in the USA) Management of regulated non-quarantine pests (Giant Salvinia in the USA)
2.5. Early Detection and Rapid Response. U.S. National EDRR System for Invasive Plants. Early Detection and Reporting Early Detection and Reporting Volunteers – Gardeners, Back Packers. Volunteers – Gardeners, Back Packers. Identification and Vouchering Identification and Vouchering Designated Botanists Designated Botanists Vouchering – A Preserved Specimen. Vouchering – A Preserved Specimen. Rapid Assessment Rapid Assessment Weed Scientists Weed Scientists Rapid Response – Eradication Rapid Response – Eradication Interagency Task Force – All Impacted and Potential Stakeholders Interagency Task Force – All Impacted and Potential Stakeholders
2.7. IAS Survey Methods. Detection Survey Detection Survey Find it Find it Delimiting Survey Delimiting Survey How Big is the Infestation? How Big is the Infestation? Appraisal Survey Appraisal Survey Did the control treatment work? Did the control treatment work? Giant Witchweed (Striga hermonthica) in Ethiopia Witchweed (Striga asiatica) Infested Maize in North Carolina
2.10. Principles of IAS Eradication. Identify Target IAS Identify Target IAS Convene Information Meeting of Stakeholders Convene Information Meeting of Stakeholders Establish Interagency Task Force Establish Interagency Task Force Develop EDRR Action Plan Develop EDRR Action Plan Conduct Public Outreach Conduct Public Outreach – More Eyes and Ears – More Eyes and Ears Detection and Delimiting Surveys Detection and Delimiting Surveys Biologically South Control Measures Biologically South Control Measures Population Suppression Measures Population Suppression Measures Containment Measures – Pathway Management Containment Measures – Pathway Management Equipment and Vehicle Sanitation Equipment and Vehicle Sanitation Associated Vectors Associated Vectors Reproduction Denial Reproduction Denial Persistence Persistence Appraisal Surveys Appraisal Surveys North Carolina Giant Salvinia Eradication Project. River Bend Swamp. Pender County, North Carolina.
Case Study: Witchweed Eradication in the Carolinas. Origin - Asia Origin - Asia Threat - Parasitizes Grasses, Grass Crops Threat - Parasitizes Grasses, Grass Crops Introduction to USA Introduction to USA NC – SC NC – SC WWII Military Equipment WWII Military Equipment Scope of Problem - Program Scope of Problem - Program 432,000 Acres – 39 Counties 432,000 Acres – 39 Counties $300 Million – $300 Million – Eradication Measures Eradication Measures Detection and Delimiting Surveys Detection and Delimiting Surveys Quarantine of Soil, Plants, Machinery in Infested Area Quarantine of Soil, Plants, Machinery in Infested Area Herbicide Treatments Herbicide Treatments Soil Fumigation (Methyl Bromide) Soil Fumigation (Methyl Bromide) Ethylene Gas – Induces Suicidal Germination of WW Seeds in Soil Ethylene Gas – Induces Suicidal Germination of WW Seeds in Soil
Case Study: Carambola Fruitfly Eradication Program in South America. Origin: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand Origin: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand Threat: 150 Crop Species Threat: 150 Crop Species Fruit, Vegetables – Peppers, Citrus, Bananas Fruit, Vegetables – Peppers, Citrus, Bananas 1986 – Detected in Suriname, Brazil, French Guyana, Guyana 1986 – Detected in Suriname, Brazil, French Guyana, Guyana 1996 – Regional Eradication Program Initiated 1996 – Regional Eradication Program Initiated Aerial Application of Fiber Blocks Impregnated with Male Attractant and Pesticide Aerial Application of Fiber Blocks Impregnated with Male Attractant and Pesticide – Large Scale Eradication Efforts – Large Scale Eradication Efforts 2002 – Program Suspended Due to Funding 2002 – Program Suspended Due to Funding 2003 – Detection Surveys and Limited Control Efforts 2003 – Detection Surveys and Limited Control Efforts 2006 – Prospects for Continuing Low Due to Funding 2006 – Prospects for Continuing Low Due to Funding
Unit II. Lab Exercise 1. Make a list of the commodities your country requires to be pest free as a condition of entry. Make a list of the commodities your country requires to be pest free as a condition of entry. Make a list of the preclearance activities your National Plant Regulatory Agency is involved in with other countries. Make a list of the preclearance activities your National Plant Regulatory Agency is involved in with other countries. Make a list of some of the means of conveyance, cargo, and commodities that enter through your port of entry. Make a list of some of the means of conveyance, cargo, and commodities that enter through your port of entry.
Unit II. Lab Exercise 2. List the overall goals of an EDRR System for IAS. List the overall goals of an EDRR System for IAS. Which agencies would be involved in your country? Which agencies would be involved in your country? List the different types of IAS survey and give examples of where they would be used List the different types of IAS survey and give examples of where they would be used List the information that should be gathered during an IAS survey List the information that should be gathered during an IAS survey Identify a plant, an animal, an insect, and a disease that has been eradicated in your country. Identify a plant, an animal, an insect, and a disease that has been eradicated in your country. Identify a plant, an animal, an insect, and a disease that could be eradicated in your country. Identify a plant, an animal, an insect, and a disease that could be eradicated in your country.
Session 3. Post-Border Control Strategies – Containment and Suppression. Strategies for Containment Strategies for Containment Strategies to Ensure Population Does Not Spread Strategies to Ensure Population Does Not Spread Mowing or Treatments to Prevent Reproduction Mowing or Treatments to Prevent Reproduction Vehicle, Equipment Sanitation, etc. Vehicle, Equipment Sanitation, etc. Population Suppression Population Suppression Eradication is Impractical Eradication is Impractical Protection of Managed or Natural Resources Protection of Managed or Natural Resources Ongoing Control Efforts Ongoing Control Efforts ($300+ Billion Worldwide) ($300+ Billion Worldwide)
2.13. IAS Control Methods. Mechanical Control Mechanical Control Hand Removal, Mowing, Cultivation, Hand Removal, Mowing, Cultivation, Cultural Control Cultural Control Weed Free Seed Weed Free Seed Crop Rotation Crop Rotation Planting Schedule Planting Schedule Crop Canopy to Shade Out Weeds Crop Canopy to Shade Out Weeds Proper Crop Cultural Practices to Keep Crop Healthy Proper Crop Cultural Practices to Keep Crop Healthy Insect Control, Fertilization, Irrigation, etc. Insect Control, Fertilization, Irrigation, etc. Rotary hoe used to remove weeds from crops. Hoeing Cotton – Georgia – USA
Chemical Control Chemical Control Worldwide Pesticide Sales Worldwide Pesticide Sales 2001: $32 Billion 2001: $32 Billion General Pesticides (Glyphosate) General Pesticides (Glyphosate) No Special License No Special License Restricted Pesticide (Fipronil for Termites) Restricted Pesticide (Fipronil for Termites) Expensive Expensive Pesticide License Usually Required Pesticide License Usually Required Classical Biological Control Classical Biological Control Excellent Method – Does Not Always Work Excellent Method – Does Not Always Work Salvinia Weevil (Cyrtobagus salviniae) to Control Giant Salvinia Salvinia Weevil (Cyrtobagus salviniae) to Control Giant Salvinia New International Standards under IPPC New International Standards under IPPC IAS Control Methods.
Session 4. Agency IAS Management Programs and New Approaches for Management Through Interagency Partnering. Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, AUS Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, AUS Working for Water Programme, South Africa Working for Water Programme, South Africa
Kakadu National Park, AUS. Location: Wet-Dry Tropics, N. Territory, AUS Location: Wet-Dry Tropics, N. Territory, AUS Area: 19,804 km 2. Area: 19,804 km 2. Landforms, Habitats Landforms, Habitats Sandstone Plateau, Savanna Woodlands, Open Forest, Rivers, Billabongs, Floodplains, Mangroves, Mudflats Sandstone Plateau, Savanna Woodlands, Open Forest, Rivers, Billabongs, Floodplains, Mangroves, Mudflats Major IAS Major IAS Catclaw Mimosa Catclaw Mimosa Island in a ‘Sea of Mimosa’ Island in a ‘Sea of Mimosa’ Four Fulltime Workers - EDRR Four Fulltime Workers - EDRR Giant Salvinia and Water Hyacinth – 1983 Giant Salvinia and Water Hyacinth – 1983 WH Eradicated WH Eradicated GS Still Spreading GS Still Spreading
A Century of Introduced Plants A Century of Introduced Plants 8,000 Herbs and Shrubs 8,000 Herbs and Shrubs 750 Trees 750 Trees IAS in ZA IAS in ZA 110 Invasive Trees 110 Invasive Trees AUS Wattle AUS Wattle Monterey Pine Monterey Pine Threat to Fynbos Threat to Fynbos Ericas, Proteas Ericas, Proteas Cover 10 Million ha (10% of Country) Cover 10 Million ha (10% of Country) Use 3.3. Billion Cubic Meters Water (7% Totally Supply) Use 3.3. Billion Cubic Meters Water (7% Totally Supply) Working for Water Programme – Guy Preston Working for Water Programme – Guy Preston Dept. Water Affairs and Forestry Dept. Water Affairs and Forestry 300 Labor Intensive Projects in all 9 Provinces 300 Labor Intensive Projects in all 9 Provinces Eradicate Thirsty Trees, Recover Water Resources Eradicate Thirsty Trees, Recover Water Resources 1 Million ha Cleared 1 Million ha Cleared 20,000 People Employed Trained 20,000 People Employed Trained Associated Industries Associated Industries Working for Water Programme. ZA.
2.14. Interagency Partnerships. Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee. 1970s – Weed Control in Wyoming 1970s – Weed Control in Wyoming State/Private Lands (34 Million Acres) - $10 Million State/Private Lands (34 Million Acres) - $10 Million Federal Lands (33 Million Acres) - $1 Million Federal Lands (33 Million Acres) - $1 Million Reinvasion of State/Private Lands from Federal Reinvasion of State/Private Lands from Federal Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee (Formed 1964) Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee (Formed 1964) Greater Yellowstone Invasive Species Working Group (Cooperative Weed Management Area) Greater Yellowstone Invasive Species Working Group (Cooperative Weed Management Area) Interagency Committee in Defined Area Interagency Committee in Defined Area Share Equipment, Resources, Expertise Share Equipment, Resources, Expertise Portable Equipment Washer
2.15. Weed Eradication Projects. Goatsrue in Utah – Single Agency Led – Introduced by UT State as Forage, Poisonous to Cattle 1891 – Introduced by UT State as Forage, Poisonous to Cattle 1980 – Spread to 16,000 ha; 1980 – Spread to 16,000 ha; Federal Eradication Project Initiated by UT State University; Federal Eradication Project Initiated by UT State University; Infestation Reduced Infestation Reduced 1996 – Federal Funding Terminated; 1996 – Federal Funding Terminated; Project Terminated Project Terminated 2007 – Effort to Establish Goatsrue Eradication Task Force 2007 – Effort to Establish Goatsrue Eradication Task Force
1985 – BV Introduced to USA 1985 – BV Introduced to USA Ornamental, Dune Erosion Control Ornamental, Dune Erosion Control 1995 – BV Spreading from Beach Planting; Dune Erosion 1995 – BV Spreading from Beach Planting; Dune Erosion 2002 – Sea Turtle Volunteers Notice BV – Threat to ST Nesting 2002 – Sea Turtle Volunteers Notice BV – Threat to ST Nesting 2003 – Carolinas Beach Vitex Task Force 2003 – Carolinas Beach Vitex Task Force Cooperators - 40 Agencies and Organizations Cooperators - 40 Agencies and Organizations Short Term Goals Short Term Goals Remove Seedlings from Public Beaches Remove Seedlings from Public Beaches Document Mature Populations Document Mature Populations Control Demonstrations on 75 Sites Control Demonstrations on 75 Sites Long Term Goals Long Term Goals Land Owner Cost Share Eradication Program Land Owner Cost Share Eradication Program Weed Eradication Projects. Carolinas Beach Vitex Task Force.
Major Concepts in Unit 2. First Line of Defense Against IAS First Line of Defense Against IAS Pre-Border Prevention Strategies Pre-Border Prevention Strategies Production of Pest Free Commodities; Preclearance Production of Pest Free Commodities; Preclearance Border Prevention Strategies Border Prevention Strategies Inspection and Treatment of Imported Cargo Inspection and Treatment of Imported Cargo Second Line of Defense Against IAS Second Line of Defense Against IAS Early Detection and Rapid Response Early Detection and Rapid Response Field Surveys – Detection, Delimiting, Appraisal Field Surveys – Detection, Delimiting, Appraisal Eradication – Total Elimination of IAS from Defined Area Eradication – Total Elimination of IAS from Defined Area Third Line of Defense Against IAS Third Line of Defense Against IAS Control – Containment, Suppression Control – Containment, Suppression Mechanical, Cultural, Chemical, Biological Mechanical, Cultural, Chemical, Biological Interagency Partnering is Effective in Management of Most IAS Interagency Partnering is Effective in Management of Most IAS ZA Working for Water Programme – A Model Public Works Programme for Controlling IAS and Training People ZA Working for Water Programme – A Model Public Works Programme for Controlling IAS and Training People
Unit 2. Exercise 3. Suppression and Control. List one or more IAS that are being controlled in your country by each of the following control methods: List one or more IAS that are being controlled in your country by each of the following control methods: Mechanical or Cultural Means Mechanical or Cultural Means Chemical Means Chemical Means Biological Control Agents. Biological Control Agents. How successful are the efforts you listed? How successful are the efforts you listed?