Your Life Your Choice Your Life Your Choice was launched by the Premier and Minister for Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services in September 2012 YLYC enables people with disability and their families to have more choice and control over their disability supports and services YLYC introduces self-direction to Queensland YLYC helps people with disability and their families get ready for more choice and control under the NDIS The resources and the peer support initiatives are funded by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
Resourcing Your Life Your Choice
‘Your Life Your Choice’ is a self- directed approach that enables people with disability and their families in Queensland to have greater choice and control over the disability services they receive.
Resourcing Your Life Your Choice Your Life Your Choice has the following models: 1.Host Providers. The department makes payment to a non-government service provider who works with the person in collaboration with their family and/or support network assisting them to design and purchase their supports. The Host Provider reports to the department. 2.Direct Payment. The department makes payment directly into an account established by the person or representative who manages their funding. The person or their representative chooses and purchases their own services and supports and then reports directly to the department on their expenditure and progress. For more information visit the Your Life Your Choice website
Topic Areas – What is self-direction
Topic Areas - Planning
Topic Areas – Engaging your own staff
Topic Areas – Purchasing and Managing Supports & Services Currently under development Sample sub-topic articles: Preparing for self-direction: what do you need to think about Levels of choice and control Receiving funds with Direct Payments Receiving funds via a Host Provider Purchasing supports and services Managing payments and reporting Governing your supports and services
We are still looking for Suggestions
Resourcing Your Life Your Choice The resources developed are available on the Sector Readiness and Workforce Capacity Clearinghouse. The web address is readiness/resources
Pathways to Leadership A peer support organisation committed to people with a disability and their families leading self directed lives, building partnerships enhancing choice and control.
Peer Support The Your Life Your Choice Peer Support Initiative Information and discussion sessions aim to provide People with disability, families, carers and enduring friends the opportunity to come together with their peers to explore self-directed support under Your Life Your Choice
Peer Support 35 discussion sessions across Queensland Already self-directing their supports - familiar with the process, would like to share stories, ideas, information, what has and has not worked for them. Just beginning their journey in self-directing their supports – new to the concept, finding their way. Considering self directing their supports – want more information.
Peer Support How can people take part? People who have individualised recurrent funding from Disability Services receive invitations from their local regional office Facilitators The discussion sessions are facilitated by the Pathways to Leadership Team who are self-directing under Your Life Your Choice and who have been part of peer networks for many years Facilitators share their own personal stories.
Peer Support Sessions commenced in February 2014, and completed in August Twenty Five sessions have already been facilitated across all of the seven regions and there are two further sessions to be held in: Brisbane Far North Queensland North Coast South East and South West regions
Peer Support Discussion Sessions: Information about Self Directing, YLYC and the NDIS Opportunities to exchange information, share stories and hear from people who are already self-directing. Sharing what is and is not working for people and the benefits of having more choice and control. ask questions and gain clarity about the process from the people who are already doing it
Peer Support Discussion Sessions Explore how others have moved to Your Life Your Choice Provide opportunities to hear from people who are self directing Share experiences Establish networks for ongoing support and information Building formal and informal networks, with participants sharing how they have used these for community inclusion and contribution. Person Centred Planning as a resource for self-direction.
Peer Support One of the most useful ways to save time and energy and not re-invent the wheel is to network with peers, which provide an opportunity to: Explore the advantages of peer support networks and what these may look like in individual communities. share information on self-direction strategies and helpful local community approaches ask questions, receive answers, be referral points for queries and gain support if and when needed. Some of our life experiences and cultures may be different however our peers can still have important information and ideas to share.
Peer Support So Far: Individual communities have started their own networking People have offered to buddy/mentor others as they begin their journey. Groups have begun to network with each other across the state. Some facebook groups have been established Some people are Skyping with others across the state Regional offices are relationship building, assisting with local information and resources where requested.
Further information Your Life Your Choice: Contact local Disability Services regional office to find out about funding and YLYC Phone 13 QGOV ( ) Sector Readiness and Workforce Capacity Initiative The National Disability Insurance Agency: