North Coast Region Collaborative Approach. Key Challenges PB was facing The role and value of PB was not well understood or appreciated Jurisdictional.


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Presentation transcript:

North Coast Region Collaborative Approach

Key Challenges PB was facing The role and value of PB was not well understood or appreciated Jurisdictional support for the PB model is critical to success, but was lacking A number of jurisdictional stakeholders expressed scepticism about the value and impact of the Partnership Broker model A perceived reluctance by some education authorities to encourage schools to actively participate in the program Some school leaders still don’t understand the role of the Partnership Broker as a facilitator, rather than a service delivery provider

Key Challenges PB was facing Challenges connecting with education authorities in a way that enables Partnership Brokers to align their priorities for partnership development with the priorities for schooling at a systemic level (Principals) Managing expectations and educating stakeholders about the intent of the Partnership Brokers program remains a challenge (Operational vs Strategic) Challenges in achieving a high level of engagement and commitment with all levels of government and non-government school systems (Executives)

During August and October 2011, seven regional engagement workshops were convened in Queensland, in alignment with each of the State’s education regions The aim of each workshop was to improve the level of collaboration between stakeholders to support: The benefits of connectivity and alignment of effort among youth services Improved awareness and understanding of the partnership broker role The importance of effective collaboration, communication and strong working relationships among stakeholders Regional Director attended and saw the benefit of engaging with P B

January 2012 DETE facilitated North Coast Region Workshop RYSC confirmed as the point of contact to regional office Agencies agreed to work in a regionally directed, collaborative approach to enhance their programs service delivery Commitment to identify gaps in services, create a regional collaborative approach and enhance the service delivery for schools, young people and their families within the North Coast Region An agreed Youth Attainment & Transitions (YAT) Model of Response was developed Clarity around the role of a Partnership Broker RD Concluding Statement: “The service you offer is too valuable to waste – if we collaborate and work at our fields of expertise - we should be able to achieve the goals as outlined today”

Changes experienced for Sunshine Coast and Moreton Bay Early challenges in engaging with the jurisdiction have been diminished by gaining buy-in from our Regional Director Regional Director encouraged school principals to engage in the process A general realisation that the PB program can deliver real value for schools

School Business Community Partnership Brokers Program Report Queensland, National Summary – Challenges, 3 September 2012 “There are emerging examples of senior managers within the education sector embracing cross-sector collaboration as the way to succeed, and enlisting the support of Partnership Brokers to make it happen”

PB National Network Futures Paper The Education Reform Challenge February 2013 and Quality Education for Young Australians June 2013 State Networks report that where engagement with key government officers at the Regional Director level have been successful, the critical difference has been that these officers have engaged with the program and directly influenced their key staff and principals to do the same. This has made an enormous difference to the level of engagement between local schools and other community and business partners.

North Coast Region Collaborative Approach The agreed expectations of participating service providers include collaboration to improve regional: Alignment of effort to increase youth attainment and transition Early intervention for young people at risk of disengaging from education Mapping & identifying service gaps Place-based solutions (localised) Awareness of regional services Understanding of service provider opportunities Enhanced connectivity and relationships between key stakeholders Enhanced communications between school and community / industry sectors Regional networks to maximise the utilisation of resources

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Collaborative Partnerships Ten partnerships have been brokered Linkages to North Coast Region Student Management Review priorities 1. Pre-prep and prep engagement 2. Community partnerships 3. Years 7, 8 and 9 engagement Discussions continue regarding actions towards “P 12 ness”

Outcomes of a regional collaborative approach have included: Response to identified needs of individual schools Enhancing responses to the needs of young people at risk Increasing retention rates Augmenting service delivery to young people who have disengaged or are at risk of disengaging from education Formation of new community partnerships that address support needs in geographical areas Direct input from schools to program service delivery Localised directories of available supports/services

Education, Training and Employment Consortium Chaired by Regional Director, DETE Decision makers from Consortium member organisations Strategic Plans and documents are discussed from perspective of Consortium terms of reference and directions provided to key partnerships and networks Key partnerships and networks provide quarterly, six monthly, and annual activity reports based around achievements against terms of reference DETE allocation of RYSC and Training Queensland Senior Field Officer to drive the initiative Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service The Sunshine Coast Private HospitalSunshine Coast Medicare Local University of the Sunshine Coast Central Queensland University Queensland University of Technology University of Queensland Sunshine Coast Institute of TAFE Sunshine Coast Regional Council Regional Development Australia Sunshine Coast Partnership Brokers Mathew Flinders Anglican College (Representing Independent schooling) Lend Lease Stockland Department of Employment Kawana Waters State College DETE Regional staff

Education, Training and Employment Consortium TOR Undertakes strategic workforce development and employment pathway planning by increasing alignment between education and training, business and industry Identify, communicate and publish clearly articulated pathways that support industry valued education, training and employment opportunities Alignment of certificate delivery within schools and RTOs to industry preferred models that link directly to employment and/or further training opportunities Identification and scheduling of approved annual Career Forums and Career Awareness events

Education, Training and Employment Consortium Key Partnerships Youth Sector Change Drivers Group Youth Health Pathways Partnership Senior Phase Network School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SAT) Coordinator Network Initial discussions around the proposed regional Career Planning and Development Framework Sunshine Coast Education, Training and Employment Consortium Youth Sector Change Drivers Group Alignment of career awareness, education and training delivery within schools to the needs of Industry for enhanced employment, further training opportunities and career pathways Senior Phase Network A collaborative approach, that provides local, professional development in the areas of vocational education, training and careers School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship Coordinator Network Forum provides the opportunity for SAT coordinators across all 3 schooling sectors to share information and ideas, get the latest updates on SAT policies and procedures and provides a platform for industry to engage with all schools Youth Health Pathways Partnership A formalised partnership to develop and promote career awareness and pathways for youth into the health sector

The Regional Approach Meet with the DETE Regional Director to ascertain their level of interest Their endorsement is vital Know and understand: The Strategic Plan for your Education Region Existing school, business community/industry partnerships in the region The potential of aligning regional community resources to educational needs Industry Skill Bodies, business and industry groups and their capacity to support schools SROI outcomes that will support schools Key strategic documents

The Regional Approach If the Regional Director commits to the collaborative approach: Request the identification of a regional staff member as a single point of contact (SPC) for DETE Regional Office Facilitate a regional engagement workshop to commence the development of a collaborative approach between the education regional office and a wide range of service providers Identify a pilot program to commence collaboration Meet with the school Principal/s to commence pilot partnership discussions Complete a needs analysis and develop an Action Plan with three priorities

Relationship Management The DETE RYSC and PB Manager meet monthly and use their knowledge of the region and the information from the pilot partnership to continue to identify partnership opportunities and regional collaboration activities All collaborative activities are reviewed and monitored The DETE RYSC, PB Manager and Partnership Brokers that are brokering collaborative partnerships meet once per term to discuss each partnership and evaluate progress.

Critical Success Factors Regional Director endorsement Designated single point of contact into DETE regional office Understanding of individual roles Willingness to understand each others strengths and limitations Leveraging from each others strengths True collaboration on partnerships Willingness to see practical changes implemented across the region Structured communication
