By Lauren Hart
Western Australia. Western Australia’s flag has the union Jack and a black swan in the right corner. There is a black swan because you can only find black swans in Western Australia. Perth is the capital of Western Australia. Western Australia is the biggest state. The floral emblem is a red and green kangaroo paw. Captain James Stirling found Western Australia.
New South Wales New South Wales flag has the St George badge on the right hand side. New South Wales flag has the St George badge on the right hand side. New South Wale’s floral emblem is the Waratah. New South Wale’s floral emblem is the Waratah. New South Wale’s capital is Sydney, Sydney has the Sydney Harbour bridge (to your left) and the Sydney opera house (to your right). New South Wale’s capital is Sydney, Sydney has the Sydney Harbour bridge (to your left) and the Sydney opera house (to your right). Koalas, kookaburras,quolls, possums and wombats live in New south Wales. Koalas, kookaburras,quolls, possums and wombats live in New south Wales. New South Wales is in the centre of Queensland and Victoria. New South Wales is in the centre of Queensland and Victoria.
Queensland Queensland capital is Brisbane. Queensland's floral emblem is the Cooktown orchid. Queensland is next to Northern territory, New South Wales and South Australia. Queensland is the second largest state. Queensland is the third most popular state in Australia. Queensland is next the best thing in Australia THE GREAT BARRIER REEF. Whales, dolphins, dugong, seals, bird s, sea birds, shore birds, Crocodiles, Sea snakes, Sharks and rays live in Queensland. Queensland flag has a picture of a crown which represents Queen Victoria.
Tasmania Tasmania capital is Hobart. Tasmania capital is Hobart. Tasmania’s floral emblem is the Tasmanian blue gum. Tasmania’s floral emblem is the Tasmanian blue gum. Tasmanian devils and yellow wattlebird live in Tasmania. Tasmanian devils and yellow wattlebird live in Tasmania. Tasmania is part of Australia because about a thousand years ago in the ice age it broke of and drifted away. Tasmania is part of Australia because about a thousand years ago in the ice age it broke of and drifted away. The picture to your left Is Port Arthur. The picture to your left Is Port Arthur. Tasmania is the smallest state in Australia. Tasmania is the smallest state in Australia.
Northern Territory Northern Territory capital is Darwin. ULURU is in the Northern Territory. ULURU is a giant single rock it is the largest in Australia. There's the union Jack in the left hand corner and the state badge on the right hand side. Northern Territory floral emblem is Sturt's desert rose. Northern Territory is located next to Western Australian, Western Australia and South Australia. Bandicoots, parrots,cockatoos and dingo’s live in the Northern Territory.
South Australia South Australia’s capital is Adelaide. South Australia’s floral emblem is the Sturt’s desert pea. South Australia’s location is next to Western Australia,Northern Territory, Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales. Lake Eyre is the largest lake in Australia.
Victoria Victorian flag has the southern cross, union Jack and a crown. Victoria's capital is Melbourne. Victoria's floral emblem is the pink common health. Magpie Goose, New Holland Mouse are some rare animals in Victoria. Victoria is located at the bottom of Australia.
Australia Capital Territory Australia Capital Territory capital is Canberra. Australia Capital Territory's flag has the southern cross and 2 swans holding a shield. In Australia Capital Territory has the parliament house. Australia Capital Territory floral emblem is the royal bluebell. Australia Capital Territory is located next to Victoria and New South Wales.