Process Assessments for Continual Service Improvement (CSI) Professor Aileen Cater-Steel University of Southern Queensland Toowoomba Australia and preferred research partner itSMF Australia
2 ITIL Lifecycle Stages and Processes CONTINUAL SERVICE IMPROVEMENT Seven Step Improvement process Note: IT Infrastructure Library ® and ITIL ® are Registered Trade Marks of AXELOS Ltd.
Continual Service Improvement CSI aims to deliver business value by focussing on the realisation of benefits from implementation of the Service Lifecycle approach. Continually measure the performance of the IT service provider and improve processes, IT services and IT infrastructure to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
Process Assessments Harold F. Dodge You can not inspect quality into a product 8 Quality Principles (ISO 9000): 1 – Customer focus 2 – Leadership 3 – Involvement of people 4 – Process approach 5 – System approach to management 6 – Continual improvement 7 – Factual approach to decision making 8 – Mutually beneficial supplier relationships or service!
Deming Cycle: plan, do, check, act "Foundations of ITIL edition", st edn, Author Bernard, P, published by Van Haren Publishing, Zaltbommel, Netherlands
Why assess processes? To provide evidence of process capability or organisational maturity to current and future customers For process improvement Watts S Humphrey on assessment If you don’t know where you are, a map won’t help.
Important decisions Which processes? Good, bad, ugly? Internal self assessment or engage external consultants? Which process reference frameworks? ITIL, ISO/IEC 20000, CMMI-SVC, CobiT Which process assessment model? ISO/IEC 15504, CMMI Who should be involved? Assessment sponsor, process stakeholders: Process owners, process performers, external process stakeholders
Process assessment approaches ISO/IEC International Standard for Process Assessment RAPID method – one day with SPICE assessors Online survey - Assessment Portal Pty Ltd SMPA and UXC ITIL-based TIPA – based on ITIL - from Henri Tudor Research Institute (Tudor ITSM Process Assessment) SCAMPI used with CMMI-SVC ITIL Process Maturity Framework (PMF) itSMF self-assessment questionnaires
ISO/IEC Capability Levels
Process Assessment Model Based on ISO/IEC Process Assessment standard
Other considerations Divergence between espoused, actual and perceived process capability In group discussions, dominant individuals, peer- group pressure, group-think can cause inaccurate results IT Service Manager can use assessment results to justify allocation of resources from management After the assessment? Service Improvement Plan The Perfect Aussie Xmas