Rachael Wargent The Cairns Institute, James Cook University
Shanty Creek TC Community commenced March 2012 north of Cairns near Mareeba Currently 19 residents Both men and women Adults over 18 years Length of stay up to 9 months
Nationally, alcohol and cannabis remain the most common principal drugs of use. It is highest among those aged years. In 2008, 17% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and over reported chronic drinking and 37% reported binge drinking, in the previous 12 month period. Hospital admission rates of Indigenous people for conditions caused by drugs other than tobacco and alcohol are over twice those among non- Indigenous Australians.
Discussion started in 2010 JCU developed a methodology to evaluate a TC in north Queensland Partnership JCU, QDAC and Lives Lived Well Identified as a highly needed service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the north
Most of staff are Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Island Clinical, Case workers, grounds men, cooks, cleaners administration On country Men’s and women’s spaces Art and craft Local AMS
Modified for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people Contribute to the social, economic and wellbeing of people Contribute to the evidence base for culturally appropriate D&A treatment services
Methodology Multifaceted research frameworks: Participatory Action Research Qualitative Quantitative GEM Growth and Empowerment Measure Client Satisfaction Survey Ethics This project has been allocated ethics approval Number H4452
Developed an evaluation framework for CQI with staff 4 main Indicators: 1.Cultural Domain 2.Wellbeing Gain 3.Health Gain 4.Governance and Management 3 rounds of CQI, 1 done next one due this month
GEM developed to measure empowerment and wellbeing Family Wellbeing Program
Service enhancement ◦ Daily Programs ◦ Staff evaluation Improve facilities Improve Wellbeing of Clients Where to next….?
References: D Gray & Wilkes, 2010 Bailie, Si, O'Donoghue, & Dowden, 2007; Cornwall & Jewkes, Haswell, M., Kavanagh, D., Tsey, K., Reilly, L., Cadet-James, Y., Laliberte, A., Doran, C. (2010). Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Thank you!