Australia Michal Matoušek, C3B
−south of Asia −continent −country −island −southern hemisphere
−Captain James Cook −1770 −Sydney in New South Wales −King of England −prisoners from Britain −1851 −300 km west of Sydney −fortunes −bushrangers History
−natives −thousands of years −16 th century −southern Asia −art lovers Aborigines
−official emblem −George V −six states −kangaroo −emu −wattle −Union Jack −link with Britain −six States and Territories −night sky
Capitol Hill Canberra Fountain −capital of Australia −young city −310,000 people Canberra
−capital of New South Wales −industrial city −3,700,000 people The Harbour Bridge Sydney AMP Tower Opera House Sydney
−capital of Victoria −the most livable city − people Melbourne Bridge Old House Melbourne
−capital of Queensland −year-round vacation place −1,400,000 people Brisbane Bridge Brisbane Skyscrapers Brisbane Brisbane
−capital of South Australia −industrial city −1,100,000 people Victoria Square Fountain Gold Beach Adelaide Adelaide
−capital of Western Australia −climate − people King’s Park Perth Skyscrapers Perth
−capital of Tasmania −very cold winters −200,000 people Bay of Fires Coles Bay Remarkable Cave Hobart - Tasmania
Warumbungle NP Crowdy Bay NP Cockatoo NP National parks
−largest coral reef −east coast of Queensland −2900 reefs Great Barrier Reef
─ OFFICIAL NAME : Commonwealth of Australia ─ CAPITAL: Canberra ─ TOTAL AREA: 7,700,000 ─ POPULATION: 20 million people ─ LANGUAGE: english ─ HEAD OF STATE: Queen Elizabeth II represented by Governor-General ─ FORM OF GVERNMENT: Constitutional monarchy ─ PORTS: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane ─ LONGEST RIVER: the Darling (2,740 km) ─ HIGHEST POINT: Mount Kosciusko (2,230 m) ─ NATURAL RESOURCES: coal, zink, nickel, gold, wool ─ NATIONAL HOLIDAY: Australian Day, 16 January (1788) ─ MONEY: basic unit – Australian dollar ─ NATIONAL SYMBOLS: Kangaroo and Emu ─ NATIONAL ANTHEM: “Waltzing Matilda” Some facts
BritishAustralian barbecuebarbie kangarooroo mosquitomozzie chickenchook candylollie slippersthongs TVtellie girlsheila formyear sheepjumbuck cinema cinema pictures pictures postboxletterbox trainersrunners freeway main road
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