Medicare Locals & Community Services
Presentation outline National Health reform – where it all began What do Medicare Locals do? Needs Assessment and Annual Plan – one way we can work together
Where it all began… National health reform agreement Aug 2011 COAG Two networks – Medicare Locals and Local Hospital Networks In Queensland Hospital and Health Service (HHS) – 16 regions and Childrens’ Medicare Locals – 11 across Queensland
The problem: our complex health system Source: Parliament of Australia website
What are Medicare Locals? Independent companies limited by guarantee Reorient the health system to primary health care Regional Primary Health Care Organisations: Increasing access to primary health care – identifying gaps Coordinating health services (primary and with tertiary) Population health planning and community engagement
MLs: Current status and models 61 all established Delivery Models vary Membership models vary: Mainly hybrid individual and organisational Boards – best practice governance Appointed against a skills matrix – no single profession dominance rule
ML Strategic Objectives 1.Identify population health service needs and develop services 2.Integrate and co-ordinate services for the community 3.Support clinicians and service providers 4.Good performance (of initiatives and program delivery) 5.Efficient, accountable & effective governance
What we all have in common? Each year we must produce an Annual Plan This must be based on a documented Needs Assessment The Needs Assessment must demonstrate community consultation and engagement
Thank you