Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Grants Writing Made Easy Gerard Byrne Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries 13 September 2008
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Gerard Byrne Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries 30 years experience in community groups and grants Co-Author, Grants in Australia Book National presenter on Grants Writing
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Grants made easy Where to find out about grants Successful grant applications What’s available Further help
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Where to find out about grants Fundraising Strategy Preparation Networks
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Where to find out about grants Local Council / Local Library Members of Parliament Newspapers / Internet
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Where to find out about grants Government agencies Press Releases EasyGrants (
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Successful grant application? What do grant makers want – ring Need exists and capacity to deliver Partnerships
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Successful grant application? Researched and documented proposals Demonstrated community support Recognition of the grants body
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Nudgee Football Club Need existed – growing community Capacity to deliver - experience Partnerships: football, art, community
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Nudgee Football Club Well researched and documented proposal (Local Library) Demonstrated community support Recognition of the grants body (media)
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Writing Tips Simple language Short sentences Facts, Figures, and Faces (3 F)
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Writing Tips Primacy and Immediacy Rule Rule of Three Support letters by actual users of the service (eg “my children”)
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Increasing your chances of success Widen your horizon Partnerships Build community spirit
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Increasing your chances of success Provide opportunities for young people Maintain and develop community facilities Provide opportunities for people in remote areas
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Crystal Creek Community Hall 50 klms north of Townsville Need – 37 potential users Partnerships – Councils, CSR Build community spirit - Sport Provide opportunities for young people “Remote area” $250,000 Facility
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Grants available now Community Sport and Recreation Industry Conservation / Environment Indigenous Cowboys Football Club
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Where to get further help The people in this room James Cook University Ourcommunity grants writers online
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Where to get further help Service Clubs Internet searches and alerts Networking / Workshops Volunteering North Queensland
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland References
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Final Tip Grants are about people and passion, not bricks and motor Tell stories Use visuals Hearts and minds
Profitable Primary Industries for Queensland Conclusion Thank you Gerard Byrne