Luxury Ecotourism: A case study of the Great Barrier Reef Nicola Caygill World Ecotourism Conference 2010
Luxury Ecotourism Market Insight The era of the high powered conscientious consumer 3 % of tourists spend a QUARTER of total tourism expenditure (averaging USD$10-$20k per trip) 7 stars? Leading Hotels of the World's Sydney call centre increased by 39.8% for in 2010 compared to 2009.
Luxury eco-tourists are after experiential travel Experiential travel worth US$40 billion and is growing by 10% worldwide. Ethical holiday focus is predicted to increase by 202% Environmentally friendly holiday is up 303% in the next three years. Demand for ethical and environmentally sensitive travel is predicted to quadruple over next 3 years. Luxury Ecotourism Market Insight
“A passport to adventures’” Report form Yougov survey in September
Luxury eco-tourists are after experiential travel The Eco-worrier’s It is estimated that by 2030, nearly 50% of the world's population will be over 50 years old. The The Zen Masters 43% of The Adventure Travel Trade Association’s customer base comprises year olds. Luxury Ecotourism Market Insight
Luxury Ecotourism as an innovative product Luxury ecotourism. An oxymoron? No - Green Island Resort Yes – Wilson Island Resort
Wilson Island –Lockable doors?
Wilson Island – Visual Privacy?
Wilson Island – Pool Requirement?
Wilson Island – Shop Requirement?
Wilson Island – Two dining facilities, three land/water facilities and two bars?
Luxury Ecotourism’s Competitive Edge Leaders Driving Innovation Combining ‘eco-ness’ with luxury Profiting from a finite resource Public sector involvement in luxury ecotourism development
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