IvoryProperty Ivory Property for your Turn Key Commercial or Industrial Building Project.
IvoryProperty We provide a no fuss approach in assisting expanding companies build and own their ultimate working environment. Build that office and factory that you have always dreamed of. Remodel and refurbish the building in your area that you believe meets your needs. Ivory Property Solution
IvoryProperty We work with the leading Industrial and Commercial Real Estate Agents in your area to locate land and/or buildings best suited to the individual companies requirements. Ivory Property Solution
IvoryProperty Designing a Building, Factory, Warehouse, Offices or Shops is made easy with IVORY PROPERTY. And you can own your complete building at a reduced rate. Ivory Property Solution
IvoryProperty Buying at 8% to 10% below the current market rate is unheard of – Especially in a sought after Industrial area! Ivory Property ensures just that:- You SAVE while at the same time get what you want. Ivory Property Solution
IvoryProperty 1.We meet to discuss your needs and timing and complete a design brief. 2.We find the land or building that best suites your needs as per the design brief and secure the property subject to finance and other necessary conditions. MEET BRIEF DESIGN COSTING FINANCE LAND SETTLEMENT PROJECT START BUILDING COMPLETION Ivory Property Solution - How?
IvoryProperty 3.Complete Feasibility Study showing all costs to completion based on the current date. 4.Complete initial design sketches and plans. 5.Present both feasibility and design for customers evaluation. MEET BRIEF DESIGN COSTING FINANCE LAND SETTLEMENT PROJECT START BUILDING COMPLETION Ivory Property Solution - How?
IvoryProperty 6.Establish finance requirements, timing for approval and complete land purchase with finance clause and settlement date to customers satisfaction. 7.At contract for land, complete a back to back contract agreement for the building and management of the project; with time and performance schedule to meet customers satisfaction. 8.Proceed with settlement of land. MEET BRIEF DESIGN COSTING FINANCE LAND SETTLEMENT PROJECT START BUILDING COMPLETION Ivory Property Solution - How?
IvoryProperty 9.Proceed with project as per schedule. 10.Monthly meetings and site inspections will be conducted with progress claims for payments endorsed by financiers Q.S. or valuer. All project timing and completion is subject to Council and other statutory regulations. Our customers will be kept informed during every aspect of the project. MEET BRIEF DESIGN COSTING FINANCE LAND SETTLEMENT PROJECT START BUILDING COMPLETION Ivory Property Solution - How?
IvoryProperty Call Ivory Property Now: Colin Ivory Director [M] [W] [E] Ivory Property P.O. Box 531 Sanctuary Cove, Queensland, 4212 Australia Ivory Property Solution