Susanne Gervay Hi everyone!
SuperJack is inspired by my wonderful family. You’ll get to meet the Nanna who continually loses her teeth, Rob who pretends he’s a dog, Samantha who loves Floppy and of course, Jack.
Anna, Samantha, Rob and Jack Jack, friend and Samantha Samantha and Nanna
Samantha and Floppy Floppy resting
Does anyone have a stuffed or live animal that they hug? What is it? What’s its name? How old is it?
Oh, you’re just like my kids!
Nanna Does anyone have a Nanna or Grandma? What do you call her? Is there anything funny that she does?
You know who really likes my Jack books? Harold and Life Education Australia.
Jack and his family are also in “I AM JACK”.
What do you think about bullies?
Jack loves Queensland in “SuperJack”.
Photos courtesy of Dreamworld
Have you any questions that you’d like to ask me?
I hope you read about Jack in “I AM JACK” and “SuperJack”. Have the best day from me, Jack, Rob, Samantha, Anna, Leo and Nanna, of course. You can me through my website.