RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults An Overview of the Process.


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Presentation transcript:

RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults An Overview of the Process

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults The process by which we accept new members into the faith May be baptized in another faith May be completely uncatechized

Overview of the Initiation Process Precatechumenate/Inquiry Rite of Acceptance or Welcome Catechumenate Rite of Sending/Rite of Election/Rite of Call to Continuing Conversion Purification and Enlightenment Initiation Sacraments Mystagogy

Periods of the Initiation process Precatechumenate Called inquirers Opportunity to explore the basic doctrines of the faith Informal setting – no set schedule of topics Sharing of personal stories – what brought them here Directed by the needs of the inquirers Duration as long as needed

Periods of Initiation Process Catechumenate Follows Rite of Acceptance/Welcome More formal period of instruction Based on lectionary -dismissed from liturgy after homily Explore the connection between word and treasury of faith Deeper look into Catholic teachings Baptized called candidates Unbaptized called catechumens

Periods of Initiation Process Purification and Enlightenment After Rite of Election/Call to Continuing Conversion More retreat like setting Focus on spiritual growth Explore thirsts, blindness, and deaths in life Baptized called candidates Unbaptized called The Elect

Periods of Initiation Process Mystagogia Informal setting again Connect life to liturgy of word and Eucharist Time to explore even deeper into the treasury of faith Called neophytes if baptized at Easter Vigil Called Catholic Christian if just received into full communion Occurs after Easter Vigil at least through Pentecost

Rites of the Initiation Process Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens For unbaptized inquirers Occurs after discernment by team, pastor and inquirer as to readiness to explore deeper into faith Now called catechumens Rite of Welcoming For baptized inquirers Occurs after discernment by team, pastor and inquirer as to readiness to explore deeper into faith Now called candidates

Rites of the Initiation Process Rite of Sending/Enrolling of Names Used to send catechumens from parish to bishop Catechumens only sign the book of the elect as a pledge of their commitment to receive the Easter sacraments Rite of Election Occurs at the Cathedral Affirm their commitment to receive sacraments at Easter Vigil Now called The Elect Both usually occur on the first Sunday of Lent

Rites of Initiation Process Rite of Calling the Candidate to Continuing Conversion For those already baptized seeking full communion with the church May occur in conjunction with the Rite of Election at the Cathedral Occurs usually the first Sunday of Lent Affirms their commitment to enter into full communion with the church

Rites of Initiation Process Initiation Sacraments – for the unbaptized Baptism Confirmation Eucharist Takes place at the Easter Vigil Reception into Full Communion- for the baptized Make a profession of faith Confirmation Eucharist May occur at times other than Easter Vigil

More information Websites: North American Forum on the Catechumenate US Catholic Conference of Bishops Books Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults rite book from Liturgy Training Publications Foundations in Faith from RCL publishing