HF Radio E-mail Installation “How To Do It On A Small Boat” by Vic Poor, W5SMM
The Basic System Everything else Engine
Best Marine Radios for E-Mail ICOM IC-M710 - Excellent, Reasonable Cost (get opened up.) ICOM IC-802 – Excellent, best radio for Maritime digital/SSB operations. SG-2000 - Not so Good, Reasonable Cost
Amateur HF Radios for E-Mail Many High Quality Ham Radios to Pick From: Kenwood TS-870 AT, Very High Quality, Moderately Expensive, Normal size, no additional Filters required. Best in its class! ICOM 746, Smaller, More Economical, FL-100, 500 Hz filter Recommended. Covers VHF/UHF. ICOM IC-706MKII, Excellent, very small with Remote head. (Watch out for the new “G” version. First models need modification from factory for email.)
Data Controllers (TNCs) SCS PTC-II for Pactor I, Pactor II, & III SCS PTC-IIe or ex (less expensive, no direct radio control. Must use additional comport to control radio.) SCS PTC II Pro (less comport will handle modem and radio functions.) Details of each modem may be found on http://www.scs-ptc.com .
External Antenna Couplers - Increases output, decreases RF and grounding problems - Internal “auto-tuners” may be inadequate. Don’t Assume the Coupler Recommended by the Radio Manufacturer is Best. Consider a High Power Manual Coupler if You Have the Skill and Patience to Use It. SGC makes the Best Automatic Couplers Tested. Power Losses in a Poor Coupler Can Be High. Antenna matching is a critical element for successful operations.
The HF Antenna Make it long! Keep it in the clear Forget about loaded whips Keep it in the clear Insulated backstay ideal Don’t use a wire topping lift Use insulators Couple to it properly with minimum SWR. Ketch rigs are hard to do
Radio Ground You need a really good ground There is no such thing as ground on a non-metal boat Ground the tuner at it’s base Use the long wire ground (counterpoise) Use the engine block Use a screen
*Picture compliments of KE6RK
*Picture compliments of KE6RK
*Picture compliments of KE6RK
RFI Problems Ground the tuner well. Use connected copper screen under shelves and tables holding radio, controller, computer. Connect equipment directly to the screen. Use shielded wire and keep interconnections short Use a “line isolater - Radio Works model T-4 (ungrounded), about $30 from Radio Works, http://www.radioworks.com Use clip-on Ferrites Radio shack (fair) Fair-Rite, part number for type-43 material: P/N 04-43-164-251 and available from Newark Electronics (Better) Fair-Rite, part number for type-31 by Amidon from Farallon, gofarallon@aol.com (best)
Places to look for further Information “Pactor Primer” & “RF Interference” (http://www.airmail2000.com/docs.htm) Radio Works Catalog (http://www.radioworks.com/) Questions?