A Biblical and Confessional Understanding and Approach Copyright © 2011 James Alan Waddell TOWARD A THEOLOGY OF WORSHIP
Biblical and Confessional Approach ● Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship ● Criteria for Critiquing Worship Forms ● So What Would It Look Like?
Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship ● Biblical Basis ● Centrality of the Gospel
“It is also taught among us that one holy Christian church will be and remain forever.... Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
“... This is the assembly of all believers among whom the Gospel is preached in its purity and the holy sacraments are administered according to the Gospel.... Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
“... For it is sufficient [ satis est ] for the true unity of the Christian church that the Gospel be preached in conformity with a pure understanding of it... Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
“... and that the sacraments be administered in accordance with the divine Word.... Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
“... It is not necessary [ nicht not ] for the true unity of the Christian church that the ceremonies, instituted by men, should be observed uniformly in all places.... Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
“... ‘There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one Lord, one faith, one baptism.’” ─ AC VII.1-2 Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
Holy Gospel Holy Baptism Holy Communion Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
Purity of the Gospel Salvation by grace alone through faith alone for Christ’s sake Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
Purity of the Gospel Salvation Neither Earned Nor Deserved Pure Gift Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
“For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith─and this is not from yourselves; it is the gift of God─not by works, so that no one can boast.” ─ Ephesians Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
Sacraments Administered in accordance with the Divine Word Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
Holy Baptism Water & Word Gift of Faith Not a Good Work ‘We’ Do A Work of God’s Grace on the Depraved Sinner Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
Holy Communion True body and blood of Christ given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
Koinonia — 1 Cor. 10
Sunerchesthai — 1 Cor
Holy Gospel Holy Baptism Holy Communion Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
“This word does not properly mean a sacrifice but rather public service. Thus it agrees quite well with our position... Leitourgia
“... namely, that the one minister who consecrates gives the body and blood of the Lord to the rest of the people... Leitourgia
“... just as a minister who preaches sets forth the Gospel to the people, as Paul says, ‘Think of us in this way, as servants of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries’....” — Ap XXIV.80 Leitourgia
“... This is the assembly of all believers among whom the Gospel is preached in its purity and the holy sacraments are administered according to the Gospel.... Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
‘Liturgy’ in the Lutheran Confessions Narrow Sense – Given by God Broad Sense – Given by the Church Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship
Liturgy in the Narrow Sense Given by GodGiven by the Church Liturgy in the Broad Sense Humanly Instituted Rites and Ceremonies The Gospel & the Sacraments
Theological Center Sacraments Holy Scripture Gospel Baptism ~ Eucharist Given by GodGiven by the Church Word
Theological Center Sacraments Holy Scripture Liturgy Gospel Baptism ~ Eucharist Historic Confessional Witness Humanly Instituted Rites, Ceremonies & Traditions Given by GodGiven by the Church Word Church’s History & Traditions Lutheran Confessions
Liturgy in the Narrow Sense Given by GodGiven by the Church Liturgy in the Broad Sense Humanly Instituted Rites and Ceremonies The Gospel & the Sacraments
Biblical and Confessional Approach ● Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship ● Criteria for Critiquing Worship Forms ● So What Would It Look Like?
ESSENCE The Gospel Criteria for Critiquing Worship Forms
StructureStyle Aesthetics DeepSurface Structure Structure ESSENCEFORM The Gospel Baptism ~ Word & Meal Worship Classical- Traditional “Contemporary” Criteria for Critiquing Worship Forms
StructureStyle Aesthetics DeepSurface Structure Structure ESSENCEFORMFUNCTION The Gospel Baptism ~ Word & Meal Delivery of the Gospel Good Order Catechesis Edification Worship Classical- Traditional “Contemporary” Avoidance of Frivolity & Offense Criteria for Critiquing Worship Forms
Structure Deep Structure ESSENCEFORMFUNCTION The Gospel Baptism ~ Word & Meal Delivery of the Gospel Good Order Catechesis Edification Avoidance of Frivolity & Offense Criteria for Critiquing Worship Forms
StructureStyle Aesthetics Surface Structure FORM Worship Classical- Traditional “Contemporary” Criteria for Critiquing Worship Forms
Domains of Liturgy Surface Structure: Style / Aesthetics Worship Good Order, Catechesis, Edification, Avoidance of Frivolity & Offense HOLY GOSPEL Deep Structure: Delivery of the Word, Gospel Baptism, Meal FORMESSENCE of the CHURCHFUNCTION
Biblical and Confessional Approach ● Lutheran Theology for Lutheran Worship ● Criteria for Critiquing Worship Forms ● So What Would It Look Like?
Luther’s German Mass
So What Would It Look Like? Preparatory Rite ● In Nomine ● Confession & Absolution
So What Would It Look Like? Word ● Old Testament ● Epistle ● Gospel ● Sermon ● Nicene Creed ● Tithes & Offerings ● Prayer of the Church
So What Would It Look Like? Sacrament ● Lord’s Prayer ● Words of Institution ● Peace ● Distribution ● Blessing
Preparatory Rite ● In Nomine ● Confession & Absolution Word ● Old Testament ● Epistle ● Gospel ● Sermon ● Nicene Creed ● Tithes & Offerings ● Prayer of the Church Sacrament ● Lord’s Prayer ● Words of Institution ● Peace ● Distribution ● Blessing ● Psalms ● Hymns ● Spiritual Songs ● Baptism
A Biblical and Confessional Understanding and Approach Copyright © 2011 James Alan Waddell TOWARD A THEOLOGY OF WORSHIP