INSTITUTION Instituted When Jesus received John Baptist’s baptism (sacramental) Recepted Before Jesus went to heaven
BAPTISM First to be received before other sacraments Clean original sin & actual sins Clean all punishments Make us Christian Make us God’s children Make us heirs of heaven Possession of God’s friendship Possession of God’s grace Sanctifying Sacramental Right to enter heaven
Punishments Double guilt Insulting God Depriving Him of the honor Double punishment Eternal (in hell) Temporal (on earth / in purgatory)
REMITTANCE OF PUNISHMENTS Sacrament of Baptism remits all punishments Sacrament of Penance remits eternal punishment and part of the temporal punishments Prayer, good work, suffering, indulgences relieve the remainder of temporal punishments
CONDITION TO INHERITANCE Receive sacrament Believe & practice all he has taught
CONSEQUENCES OF ORIGINAL SIN REMAIN To remind us the misery of sin To give us opportunity to increase merit
NECESSARY OF BAPTISM For salvation Children die without baptism = To the mercy of God
CHILD’S BAPTISM Wrong to defer Expose child to danger Can not do against parent’s wish except in case of dying
MINISTER OF SACRAMENT Ordinary Bishop Priest Deacon Emergency Anyone of reason
BAPTISM IN EMERGENCY VALIDITY OF UNBAPTIZED & UNBELIEVER MINISTER Use of reason Know how to give baptism Intend what the Church intends
3 KINDS OF BAPTISM By desire ardent wish do all that God has ordained By blood shed blood for faith martyrdom By water
BAPTISM BY WATER 3 ways: Immersing / dipping Sprinkling / aspersion Pouring / infusion Must be water, no other liquid accepted Must spell out Father, Son & Holy spirit as Christ instituted (not general term of Holy Trinity) Given conditionally if pouring water on other parts of the body than the head
Ceremonies of baptism Renounce devil (works and pomps) worldly pride vanities and vain Profess the faith = worthiness Oil = Strength White garment = Sinless state Light = Light of faith, fire of love Salt = wisdom (old rite) Holding stole = into the Church (old rite)
PRIVATE BAPTISM Should bring to Church to have ceremonies of solemn baptism completed using consecrated water with oil No Sponsor needed
GODFATHER/GODMOTHER Sponsor Model catholic to entrust the care and instruct the child in religious duties Must be catholic Good characters and virtues Create a spiritual relationship which is an impediment to marriage
ABSENT SPONSOR (by proxy) If asked and consented Have a replacement at baptism
SAINT’S NAME As protector (patron) Imitate virtues Never use name of: Unbelievers, heretics, enemies Heathen gods Nick-names
ADULT’S DISPOSITIONS Willing to receive Having faith in Christ True sorrow for sin Renounce devil
CEREMONIES OF CHURCHING (Old Rite) Blessing mother & child Return thanks to God