West Mercia Probation Trust Delivering through Co-operative Advantage
West Mercia Budget Provision in Community Where we want to be - Hold the Budget, grow the provision
Underlying Principles Public good, not public monopoly Not everything needs to be done by “us” Others have expertise Others have access to resources Others can add value “think global, act local” i.e. systemic change driven locally
Dependence – Probation lead agency VCS dependent on funding risks distorting aims VCS dependent on funding risks distorting aims Independence – VCS are the experts, alliances with private sector, bids for OM work etc. Interdependence – we all have a place at the table, we hold money for the public good; it needs to be brought together with wider sector skills, experience, aims.
Potential and Actual Offender Supervision/Intervention Activity Specified Activity Oder, currently delivered through RITE CIC, with additional SAOs to be delivered by similar bodies including The Fold Enhanced Offender Supervision, currently delivered by YSS, a Social Enterprise in the charitable sector
Adult Attendance Centres, currently delivered by YSS and Willowdene Farm working in partnership, Willowdene is a Social Enterprise Employment, Education and Training, currently delivered by YSS Mental Health Interventions, currently delivered by YSS, funded by Lloyds TSB Trust
Psychological Assessment, currently provided by FPP, a private sector consultancy Volunteers and Mentors, currently provided by YSS Transition to Adulthood Service, currently funded by Barrow Cadbury Trust, delivered by YSS
Drugs Services, jointly commissioned from CRi Women’s Residential Service, to be delivered by Willowdene/RITE from next year.