2011 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Working Towards “Vibrant Parishes”
Parish Bulletin Bloopers Don't let worry kill you. Let the Church help. Please attend the Potluck Supper on Thursday night. Prayer and medication to follow. A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow. The Choir invites any parish member who enjoys sinning to join the choir.
Parish Bulletin Bloopers Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community. Don't forget the upcoming rummage sale. It is a good chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Wives, bring your husbands. Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.
Parish Bulletin Bloopers Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 pm. Please use the back door. The peace-making meeting scheduled for today has been cancelled due to a conflict. Visitors please feel free to stay after service and say hell to the pastor. Our youth basketball team is back in action Wednesday at 8 pm in the recreation hall. Come out and watch us kill Christ the King.
Parish Bulletin Bloopers During the absence of our pastor, we enjoyed the rare privilege of hearing a good sermon by our substituting priest. This afternoon there will be a meeting in the north and south ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends. Church sign: “Jesus Saves!” Grocery store sign across the street: “We save you more!”
Working Towards “Vibrant Parishes” My Parish? “Drop in Centre” or “A Place to Call Home?”
The Commissioning of the Disciples Jesus said to them, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28: 19-20).
Signs of a Healthy Parish Holiness Prayer Sunday Eucharist Reconciliation Primacy of Grace Word of God
Signs of a Healthy Parish Witness of love Spiritual Communion Diversity of vocations Christian unity Gift of young people
2011 Synod of Bishops Curitiba, Brazil
2011 Synod of Bishops Iguacu Falls
2011 Synod of Bishops Iguacu Falls
Vision 2020 Vibrant Parishes: “Places to Encounter the Living Christ” It is the parish where most often the faithful have their first encounter with Christ, whether it be through attending the Sunday Divine Liturgy, a baptism, wedding or funeral. Evangelization often first happens on the level of the parish.
Operating Revenue for 2010
Operating Expenses for 2010 Operating surplus: $53,120
25 Year Eparchial Pastoral Plan Vibrant Parishes Evangelization – A New Springtime Vibrant Parishes: “Places to Encounter the Living Christ”
Falling in Love – A Lesson from Life Vibrant Parishes From getting to know someone, to falling in love and getting married, to living happily ever after. From knowing Christ, to loving Christ, to serving Christ.
Three pillars of renewal To know God, to love God, to serve God Word Eucharist Service Teach and LearnPray and Celebrate Care and Share
Three pillars of renewal Vibrant Parishes Word Teach and Learn Scripture Study Catechesis and Faith Development Formation of Laity and Clergy Eucharist Pray and Celebrate Word of God Eucharist and Sacraments Spirituality and Devotions Service Care and Share Stewardship Building Community Serving the Poor
Word – Teach and Learn Vibrant Parishes New programming: Scripture Study Family and Parish Bible Study Scripture Fest, study days, workshops Catechesis and Faith Development God with Us Series Generations of Faith for Byzantine Churches Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Sacramental preparation and post-sacramental care
Word – Teach and Learn Vibrant Parishes New programming: Formation of laity, clergy, religious, monastics Parents as First Educators Baba and Dido Power Youth Evangelizing Youth Continuing education: clergy, religious, monastics Mentorship for newly ordained clergy, newly vowed Inculturation programs for foreign clergy
“Our Faith” Religious Education Newsletter Vibrant Parishes Nativity of the Mother of God New Liturgical Year How to make the Sign of the Cross Exaltation of the Holy Cross Take a break… Protection of the Mother of God The Jesus Prayer
New publication! Vibrant Parishes Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church Christ Our Pascha
Eucharist – Pray and Celebrate Vibrant Parishes New programming: Word of God, Eucharist and Sacraments, Spirituality Centrality of Sunday Eucharist Promote active participation of laity in liturgy Full Christian Initiation of Infants Special celebrations for children, teens, young adults Marriage, sacred orders, anointing of sick, reconciliation Liturgical Year Saints Teach Me to Pray School of Iconography
New publication! Vibrant Parishes Prayer Book Beneath the Mantle of Your Mercy
New publication coming! Vibrant Parishes Rite of Christian Initiation What is baptism? Pastoral note for pastors Preparing for baptism Rite of baptism What comes after baptism?
New publication coming! Vibrant Parishes Bishop-Martyr Nykyta Budka First Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada
Service – Care and Share Vibrant Parishes New programming: Witness and Testimony Stewardship – a Divine Vocation Personal Stewardship: life, purpose and mission; gift of time, talents, education, skills; health, well-being; possessions, wealth Collective Stewardship: Gospel and the Church; neighbour; family; community; leadership; the Earth and all that lives upon it
Service – Care and Share Vibrant Parishes New programming: Building Community Being welcoming to one another Paying attention to the guest and stranger Community table and fellowship Offering hospitality to visitors, travelers, and homeless Serving Those in Need Social outreach and works of charity – food banks, clothing dives, soup kitchens, aid to single mothers, helping immigrants and refugees, visitation of sick and shut-ins, Grief Share, Divorce Care, Third-World needs
Social Justice in Action Vibrant Parishes Homeward Trust Edmonton 2011 Award: Recognizing Outstanding Organizations, People and Housing
Social Justice in Action Vibrant Parishes
Social Justice in Action Vibrant Parishes 38,000 staff and students in the Edmonton Catholic School District recognize Holodomor (Ukrainian Famine-Genocide) Memorial Day.
Social Justice in Action Vibrant Parishes Image 13 of 37 Image 13 of 37 Catholic Sisters’ Legacy Recognition Project “Education – Health Care – Social Welfare” Alberta’s Legislature
A new springtime of evangelization Vibrant Parishes It is our hope that our 25 Year Pastoral Plan will help prepare us to become the Church that God intends us to be in the future… ….to become people and places in which we encounter the Living Christ. Glory to God!
A new springtime of evangelization Vibrant Parishes Eparchy of Edmonton 2011 – 6,000 each Sunday 2020 – 12,000 (double) million regularly practicing faithful 4.3 million registered faithful 7.5 million (including occasional church-goers) ??? million (potential)
2011 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Working Towards “Vibrant Parishes” Thank you for your support!