Product made for the project: Intercultural Dialogue as a Means to Develop Creativity and Innovation This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The sacrament of Baptism begins with the blessing of the water. The candidate is then baptized with the triple immersion in the name of the Holy Trinity. As Orthodox Christians, the Sacrament of Baptism is our entry in the church as members of the Body of Christ.
There are a number of important symbols that are a part of the Baptismal Ceremony. The candles of the baptism.This light symbolises the light of Christ who is the Light of the World. The Baptism candle reminds us that the light of Christ has entered the child's life; and its flame symbolises the flame of faith which will burn throughout the life of the child.
The font is an object that shouldn’t miss of the baptism. This is decorated by the desire of the parents.
The priest cuts hair from the infant’s head in the form of a cross. This is done on behalf of the child who offers a gift to God, to thank Him for the great gift of eternal life that he has just inherited The priest cuts hair from the infant’s head in the form of a cross. This is done on behalf of the child who offers a gift to God, to thank Him for the great gift of eternal life that he has just inherited
Immediately after Baptism, the newly baptized receiver the Sacrament of Chrismation,the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Finally the newly baptized partakes of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
The godparents of the child to be baptized must be active members of the Orthodox Church. The godparents become the spiritual brothers and sisters of the child’s parents. The godparents respond during the Baptismal service on behalf of their godchild to the questions posed by the church.
The Holy Act of Baptism Another point of view
This is the place where the candidates are baptized. The decision to be baptized is theirs, decision that comes after believing in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is considered that they are mature enough to realize the payment that Jesus did for them.
This is an example of a church where a baptism takes place. In front of the church is the pastor who introduces those who will be baptized and explains the importance of this holy act.
What can be seen here is happening before the important act of baptism. Those who wear white clothes are the ones who decided to be baptized. They have to testify with their mouths that the decision to surrender their life to Jesus is just theirs. In fact, the baptism is just an expression of their hearts, an expression of the death and resurrection with Jesus. What can be seen here is happening before the important act of baptism. Those who wear white clothes are the ones who decided to be baptized. They have to testify with their mouths that the decision to surrender their life to Jesus is just theirs. In fact, the baptism is just an expression of their hearts, an expression of the death and resurrection with Jesus.
This is the moment when the pastor of the church talks about the decision to be baptised.
After talking about their decision and what made them to take it, the pastor goes into the water and asks the candidate if he believes in Jesus. If the answer is affirmative he will be baptized.
Here can be seen the person who is baptised- the exact moment when he enters into the water and get out of it
The Lord’s Supper Only after being baptized, a christian is allowed to take part to The Lord’s Supper. This is one of the Greatest command that Jesus gave us.
Created by: Lidia Apetrei Maria Răbuşapcă