Freshmen Honors Fall 2013.  Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!  The hero’s journey is JUST like a rite of passage because it has: ▪ Separation ▪ Transformation.


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Presentation transcript:

Freshmen Honors Fall 2013

 Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!  The hero’s journey is JUST like a rite of passage because it has: ▪ Separation ▪ Transformation ▪ Return The hero’s journey is the rite of passage? a.Equal b.Greater than c.Less than d.Nacho cheese The hero’s journey is the rite of passage? a.Equal b.Greater than c.Less than d.Nacho cheese

 The Call  Person is first given notice that everything is going to change; whether they know it or not.

 The Wise and Helpful Guide  The hero’s guide or guiding principles.

 The Magic Talisman

 Refusal of the call…  Hero refuses to listen to call because of obligation, fear, insecurity, inadequacy, etc.

 Hero helpers…  Once the hero has accepted the call, these people appear to help the hero out.

 Crossing the Threshold  Person actually crosses the field of adventure, leaving known limits and entering a dangerous realm.

 The labyrinth  The series of tests that a person must undergo to begin the transformation.

 The rescuing of the princess  The hero must pass the test and “rescue his princess” or treasure he was after.


 Dragon slaying  The hero must slay many opponents that stand in his way.

 Decent in darkness/belly of the beast  Hero reaches the lowest point and almost gives up, but it is in this low point that the transformation occurs.

 The mystical marriage  The hero experiences a love that has the power and significance of the all powerful.

 The sacred grove  The place where the hero often goes in order to truly transform into his new self.

 Sacrifice and betrayal

 Mystical insight/revelation  The hero realizes something significant about his journey, old self, and new self.

 Resurrection  The hero is tested one final time, on his own homeland. VS.

 Atonement with the father  The hero must confront and be initiated by the ultimate power in his/her life.

 The gift  While at home the hero bears some element of the treasure that has the power to transform the world.