Confidential & Proprietary to ECRM Miles Road, Suite A | Solon, Ohio | | (440) Excellence Our mission is to radically improve the promotional data landscape and deliver unparalleled analytics. Innovation We focus on innovative solutions to help drive our focus and that of our customer business. Actionable Providing a wealth of information is only part of the puzzle; our findings increase your profits. ECRM’s promotional analytics provides the most comprehensive information needed to increase profits, predict competitive trends and make better decisions. THE LEADING PROVIDER OF PROMOTIONAL DATA AND ANALYTICS ECRM Analytics
Confidential & Proprietary to ECRM Miles Road, Suite A | Solon, Ohio | | (440) AD SUPPORT BY BRAND Top 20 Brands by Percent of Toothpaste Ad Blocks
Confidential & Proprietary to ECRM Miles Road, Suite A | Solon, Ohio | | (440) WEEKLY SHARE OF 52-WEEK AD SUPPORT Changes in Ad Volume of Toothpaste
Confidential & Proprietary to ECRM Miles Road, Suite A | Solon, Ohio | | (440) RETAIL PROMOTIONS Top 10 Retailers Promoting Colgate Toothpaste
Manufacturer Number of Ad Blocks Shared Last 52 Weeks Percent of Ad Blocks Shared Last 52 Weeks % % % % Confidential & Proprietary to ECRM Miles Road, Suite A | Solon, Ohio | | (440) AD BLOCK EXCLUSIVITY Top Competitors In The Toothpaste Sub-Category Manufacturer’s Sharing More Ad Blocks Manufacturer’s Sharing Fewer Ad Blocks
Confidential & Proprietary to ECRM Miles Road, Suite A | Solon, Ohio | | (440) RETAIL PROMOTIONS PERCENT OF CIRCULAR SPACE Top 10 Retailers Promoting Colgate Toothpaste
Confidential & Proprietary to ECRM Miles Road, Suite A | Solon, Ohio | | (440) Contact Information Judy Farren x1138 John Allen