Introductory Rites
Entrance Hymn [Stand] Text allowed
Greeting Remain standing No text allowed
Rite of blessing Not commonly used Remain standing Hymn usually
Penitential Rite Remain standing No text allowed
Kyrie Remain standing No text allowed
Gloria Remain Standing No text allowed
Opening Prayer No text allowed All sit after prayer
Liturgy of the Word
First Reading Remain seated Text allowed from bible but no replies
Responsorial Psalm Remain seated Text allowed
Second Reading Remain seated Text allowed from bible but no replies
Gospel Acclamation [stand] Text allowed
Gospel Remain standing Text allowed from bible but no replies
Homily [sit] No text required unless Fr informs you
Profession of Faith [stand] No text allowed
Prayers of the faithful Text allowed Sit after prayers
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Offertory Hymn Text allowed Stand after hymn
Presentation of Gifts Usually said by Priest during the offertory hymn If no hymn then is said out loud but No text allowed
Prayer over gifts Remain standing No text allowed
Eucharistic Prayer Priest can choose which appropriate prayer to use Ask Priest which prayer he is using and add in the page number There are 5 parts that I will list in the next 5 slides with different and changing postures to take note
Preface Dialogue Remain standing No text allowed
Sanctus No text allowed All kneel after sanctus
Memorial Acclamation Remain Kneeling No text allowed
Final Doxology No text allowed Remain kneeling
Great Amen No text allowed Stand after it is said, chanted or sung
Communion Rite
Lord’s Prayer Remain standing No text allowed
Sign of Peace Remain standing No text allowed Remember Priest can shake hands with us anymore so don’t go looking for them Don’t go on for too long as well
Agnus Dei aka Lamb of God No text allowed All kneel after Agnus Dei
Communion Remain Kneeling No text allowed This is the part where we now say “Lord, I am not worth that you should enter under my roof….”
Communion Hymns No specified posture Text allowed
Thanksgiving Hymn Usually sung after everyone has received communion Not required Text allowed
Prayer after Communion [stand] No text allowed
Announcements [sit] Text allowed
Concluding Rite
Greeting [stand] No text allowed
Blessing Remain standing No text allowed
Dismissal Remain Standing No text allowed
Recessional Hymn Remain standing Text allowed