Eucharist By: Emma, Kelsey, Gia, Amanda, and Katie
We are nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ Jesus taught his followers the importance of sustaining life and feeding the hungry. When Jesus said “his flesh is true food and his blood is true drink” He wanted us to learn the importance of sustaining God`s life within us. In the sacrament of the Eucharist we receive everlasting nourishment.
We are nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ The bread and wine become Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. We complete initiation into Christ and his church by sharing Christ’s body and blood in the sacrament of the Eucharist. Some ways we can commit ourselves to living as Christ did Feed the Hungry, Comfort the Sorrowful, and Heal those who are ill.
Jesus gives his disciples a new covenant Passover is the day in which we remember the way God delivered the Jews from slavery out of Egypt A plague swept across the land while the first Passover took its first trip Paschal means of or relating to Passover The Jewish people marked their doors with lamb blood to symbolize the death of their first born child
Jesus gives his disciples a new covenant “On that night a plague swept through Egypt, killing all of the Egyptians’ firstborn sons. But it passed over the homes marked with blood, thus sparing the Hebrews.” On Holy Thursday Jesus took bread and wine broke it and gave it to his disciples saying “Take this cup and bread in memory of me” A covenant is a promise or agreement God brought people freedom to Israel
We are one with Jesus Christ Disciples were walking to the village of Emmaus after Jesus’ resurrection. -There they met with Jesus (didn’t know who he was) At supper Jesus took bread and said the blessing. That’s when the disciples realized it was Jesus. After the Ascension, the disciples would be enlightened by the Holy Spirit.
We are one with Jesus Christ In the Acts of the Apostles we read about the Eucharist continued to be celebrated - Through the power of the Holy Spirit * Mass – the celebration of the Eucharist Through the breaking of the bread =Body and Blood under the appearance of bread and wine Through the Real Presence of Christ we are nourished to live as Jesus’ disciples
We celebrate the Eucharist Parts of the Mass: Introductory Rites=Entrance Chant, Greeting, Act of Penitence, Gloria, Collect Liturgy of the Word= First reading, Responsorial Psalm, Second Reading, Alleluia or Gospel Acclamation, Gospel, Homily, Profession of Faith, and Prayer of the Faithful Liturgy of the Eucharist= Preparation of the Gifts, Prayer over the Offerings, Eucharistic Prayer, Communion Rite, Lord`s Prayer, Rite of Peace, Breaking of the bread, Holy Communion Concluding Rites= Greeting, Blessing, Dismissal We gather as an assembly in the name of the Blessed Trinity. In assembly with the priest we are the Body of Christ
We celebrate the Eucharist In the Introductory Rites we sing a song as we enter church and we prepare to listen to God`s word and receive Christ`s body and blood. In the Liturgy of the Word we listen to God`s word in the first 2 readings and then rise to listen to the gospel. The priest then gives the homily and tells us how to live out the word of God. In the Liturgy of the Eucharist we receive Jesus body and Blood under the appearance of bread and wine. We also feel Gods presence and ask for his strength and support. In the Concluding Rites the priest blesses us and tells us to go out into the world and spread the message we heard at church.
Special Boxes The Catechism calls the Eucharist the “sacrament of redemption” Redemption is offered to us from Jesus’ Body and Blood In this sacrament, we receive forgiveness for our venial sins Strengthens our love for God, neighbor, and ourselves We are not allowed to receive this sacrament after you committed a mortal sin and haven’t restored our relationship with God You must participate in the Sacrament of Penance before preparing for the Eucharist
Special Boxes Altar breads= unconsecrated hosts Made by religious communities who have devoted their life to prayer Selling Altar breads is way of living and making money These breads are sent to parishes in Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua Canada, Ireland, Russia, New Zealand, Australia, and Japan Made of wheat and flour and is unleavened, baked without yeast (doesn’t rise)
Special Boxes Catholic Relief Services (CRS)=non-profit organization Founded in 1943 to help poor, homeless and disadvantaged people lived outside the US 1939 started to help refugees during World War 11 Refugees are help to settle in US and other countries CRS promotes justice and peace Still works today, helping the poor/hungry, remove causes of poverty, giving aid to those in need Has affected a lot of people