“FICTION” Click on speaker to hear sound
Types of Fiction Myth/Legend is realistic or fantastic, used to explain aspects of existence we don’t understand.
Types of Fiction (cont…) Folktales: impart a lesson and touch upon psychological truths about human beings.
Types of Fiction (cont…) Parable is a short story designed to teach. [moral or religious]
Structure External - how story is divided, titles, subtitles, spacing Internal: passage of time, weather, seasons, location.
Plot Order of events: See Dramatic Structure Exposition (who, what, where, when) Conflict (problem) Climax (pivotal point in action) Resolution ( How it ends up) Expo Conflict Resolution Climax
Setting Time Place Objects Environment Ambience
Characterization Types of Characters Flat - one dimensional representing an idea or type. Round: complexity like a real person
Characters Protagonist vs. Antagonist Foil (contrasts a character) Confidant (friend or servant). Stock characters: comic, victim, braggart, pretender, fool.
Social class and Economic Factors Gender Class Age Race Ethnicity
Point of View First person: Narrator as I Third Person: he/she (Omniscient, limited omniscient, intrusive, objective - recorder) Stream of consciousness
Theme:Central idea of the story Archetypes: [detail or pattern repeated in culture / religion / art- universal truth] Birth of the hero, quest, wise man, eternal child, seducer/ temptress, double. Literary motif: [detail or pattern repeated in single work] quest, journey for self knowledge, rite of passage, struggle between mind - body - spiritual world.
Symbolism Personal Cultural
Irony Dramatic (Reader knows what character doesn’t) Circumstantial “Says he will die and he does.”