Religion Vocabulary
almsgiving The sharing of our resources to help those who are poor or in need
angel The being created by God as a pure spirit, without a physical body. Angels serve God as messengers.
Annunciation The announcement to Mary that she would be the mother of the Son of God.
apostasy The total abandonment of one’s faith
Apostles Twelve of Jesus’ disciples who shared his mission in a special way
Ascension Jesus return in all his glory to his father in heaven
Assumption The truth that at the end of her earthly work God brought Mary to heaven, body and soul
Beatitudes Teachings that describe the way to live as Jesus’ disciples The word means blessed
Bishop A man who has received the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders and continues the Apostles’ mission of leadership and service.
Bless To dedicate someone or something to God’s name
Blessed Trinity The three Divine Persons in one God: God the Father, God the Son God the Holy Spirit
Candidates Those preparing for a sacrament
Canon Law The name that we give to the body of laws that govern the Church
catechumenate A process of formation for the Sacraments of Christian Initiation that includes prayer and liturgy, religious instruction, and service to others.
catechumens Adults and older children of catechetical age who entered the catechumenate and are participating in the Rite of Christian Intiation of Adults
Catholic social teaching The teaching of the Church that calls all members to work for justice and peace as Jesus did
celebrant The bishop, priest, or deacon who celebrates a sacrament for and with the community
celibacy The state of those who have chosen to remain single, promising to devote themselves to work of God and the Church for the sake of the Kingdom
charity A gift from God that enables us to love him and love our neighbor
Chrism Perfumed oil blessed by a bishop
Church The community of people who believe in Jesus Christ, have been baptized in him and follow his teachings
Common good The well-being of every individual person and of the whole society to which everyone belongs
Common vocation Our call from God to holiness and evangelization
Communion of saints The union of all baptized members of the Church on earth, in heaven and in purgatory
conscience Our ability to know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong
consecrate To make sacred for God
conversion Turning back toward God with all one’s heart
Covenant In the bible the solemn agreement between God and his people
creed A statement of belief
deacon The man ordained to share in Christ’s mission by assisting bishops and priests in the service of the church
Deposit of faith All the truth contained in Scripture and Tradition that Christ revealed and entrusted to the apostles and thus us
Diocese A local area of a church led by a bishop
Divine inspiration The special guidance the Holy Spirit gave to the human authors of the Bible
Divine Revelation God’s making himself known to us
ecumenism The work to promote the unity of all Christians
Epistles Letters found in the New Testament to the early Christian communities about God’s Revelation in Jesus
Eternal life A life of happiness with God forever
Evangelical counsels Poverty, chastity, and obedience
evangelization The sharing of the good news of Jesus Christ and the love of God with all people, in every circumstance of life
faith The gift from God that enables us to believe in God, to accept all that he has revealed, and to respond with love for God and others
Free will God’s gift to human beings of the freedom and the ability to choose what to do
Gentile Non-Jewish
Gospel The accounts of God’s Revelation through Jesus Christ
grace A participation or a sharing, in God’s life and friendship
heresy A denial after Baptism of a truth of the faith
Human dignity The value and worth that we share because God created us in his image and likeness
humility The virtue that enables us to acknowledge that God is the source of all good
Immaculate Conception The truth that God made Mary free from original sin and from all sin from the very moment she was conceived
Incarnation The truth that the son of God, the second Person of the Blessed Trinity, became man and lived among us
Infancy narratives The accounts of Jesus’ birth and childhood found in the first two chapters of the Gospels of Luke and Matthew
intercession A type of petition in which we ask for something on behalf of another person or a group of people
Kingdom of God The power of God’s love active in our lives and our world
Last judgment Jesu Christ coming at the end of time to judge all people
liturgy The official public prayer of the church
Liturgy of the Hours The official public prayer of the church celebrated at specific times, or hours, throughout the day
magisterium The living teachings office of the Church, consisting of the pope and the bishops
Marks of the Church The four characteristics of the church: one, holy Catholic, and apostolic
Mass The celebration of the Eucharist
mercy God’s forgiveness and love
Messiah The person God planned to send to save the people from their sins. The word Messiah means ‘annointed one’ in Hebrew.
Mortal sin Very serious sin that does turn us completely away from God because it is a choice we freely make to do something we know is seriously wrong
Original sin The first sin committed by the first human beings
parable A short story with a message
Paschal Mystery The suffering, death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus
Pentecost The day on which the Holy Spirit came to the first disciples as Jesus promised. It marks the beginning of the Church
Petition Prayer in which we ask God for something
praise Prayer in which we give glory to God for being God
priest A man who is ordained to preach the Gospel and serve the faithful, especially by celebrating the Eucharist and the other sacraments
prophet Someone who speaks on behalf of God, defends the truth, and works for justice
providence God’s plan for and protection of all creation
Real Presence The true presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist
resurrection The mystery of Jesus’ rising from death to new life
righteousness Conduct and conformity with God’s will
Sabbath A day set apart to rest and honor God
sacrament An effective sign given to us by Jesus Christ through which we share in God’s life
salvation The forgiveness of sins and restoration of humanity’s friendship with God
sanctify To make holy
Sanctifying grace The grace that we receive in the sacraments
schism Refusal to submit to the leadership of Peter’s successor, the pope, or a lack of unity with the members of the Church
sin A thought , word, omossion,or deed against God’s law that harms us and our relationship with God and others
Social justice Opposing every form of injustice in soceity and working to promote justice for all people
Theological virtues The virtues of faith, hope, and charity, which have God as a source, motive, and object
Venial sin Less serious sin that weakens our friendship with God but does not turn us completely away
virtue A good habit that helps us act according to God’s love for us
vocation A call to a way of life
vows Deliberate and free promises made to God
Word of God Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the most complete expression of God’s word
Works of Mercy Acts of love by which we care for the bodily and spiritual needs of others
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