Teens Youth & Schools Families Community
Did you know? Where do most youth illegally obtain prescription drugs? A.Use forged prescriptions at the local retail pharmacy (Rite Aid, CVS, etc.) B.Break in to pharmacies and hospitals C.Ambush pharmaceutical sales representatives D.Family medicine cabinets and friends Source: DrugFreeNH.org
Did you know? 6 out of 10 youth who have abused prescription painkillers did so before age? A.16 B.15 C.14 D.13 Source: DrugFreeNH.org
Did you know? The best way to dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs is to… A.Give it to someone who needs it and can’t afford their own. B.Toss it in the nearest dumpster. C.Follow state and federal guidelines for proper disposal or take-back. D.Flush it down the toilet. Source: DrugFreeNH.org
Information & ResourcesYouth EngagementEducation & Awareness
Safe Home Pledge 1. I will actively supervise all gatherings or parties of youth in my home or on my property. 2. I will not serve nor allow the possession or use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs by youth in my home or on my property. 3. I will set expectations for my children by knowing where they are going, who they are with, what their plans are, and when they are to return home.
4. I will provide a secure place in my home for all forms of alcohol, prescription and over-the-counter drugs, firearms and other potentially hazardous items. 5. I will not permit any guest who arrives or appears to be intoxicated to drive, and will alert appropriate parents. 6. I will communicate with other parents and agree on expectations and rules for youth regarding movies, video games and computer use as well as a no drug or alcohol use policy.
Safe Home Pledge 7. I will welcome phone calls from other parents to join efforts in providing a safe, healthy, drug-free home and community.
What is a Safe Home & Community?
Regional Networks Atkinson Brentwood Chester Danville Derry E. Kingston Epping Exeter Fremont Hampstead Hampton Falls Hampstead Kensington Kingston Londonderry Newfields Newton N. Hampton Pelham Plaistow Raymond Salem Sandown Seabrook S. Hampton Stratham Windham
Regional Issues Goal: to prevent the onset and reduce the progression of substance abuse across all age groups, including underage drinking and the misuse and abuse of alcohol and/or other drugs (marijuana and Rx)
Regional Issues PreventionInterventionTreatmentRecovery
Community Matters Parents Youth Civic Law Enforcement Healthcare Religious Schools Business Government Media Youth Serving Join Safe Homes & Communities Plan a Coffee Chat or Info Session Write Letters, Blog or Discussion Topics Let us Know what Matters
Community Matters New Futures CLI Leadership Retreat December 9, 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM > Overview of 2011 Legislative Session, January 11, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Rx Information for Senior Citizens, December 7, 11:30 to 12:30 FOR-NH FASTER Families Advocating for Substance Treatment, Education, and Recovery