Mrs. Ledford’s Class Dinosaur Power Point Pictures and information from and Google Images
T-Rex He can eat some meat of a dinosaurs. He is a big dinosaurs. Alexander Daiman
Pachycephalosarus They live in north Amermicu. They et froot and levs. Katie Kenley
Dryosaurus Dryosaurus et met. He gos fast. German Brianna
Struthiomimus He is big. They et grass. Elizabeth Marry
Edmontosaurus He ets plants. He doz not hav teth. Thomas Fredy
Velociraptor They are men. They eat met. They have long tel. Ben David
Triceratops Tricetatops es food from plants. He was a famis dinosaur. Trevor Levi
Brachiosaurus My dinosaur ets plants. His nek is long. Kayla Mallorie
Ankylosaurus He is small. He has spiks. Omar Ashton