The Blue Dinosaur Michela Cagliero Sara Cromwell Michael McLean Saba Jahanzeb Katherine Michel
Background Purpose: To record differences of temperature with different altitudes. Why is this important? Possibly to predict, the differences when climbing a mountain. Or the different temperatures any different altitudes that one can physically rise to. Also to examine global warming, and how much difference there is in the temperature, from the past.
Hypothesis/Tests As the gondola rises with altitude, the temperature will decrease until the peak. We will be raising a gondola 1000 feet in the air with a surface temperature sensor to examine the difference in the temperature with the increasing altitude. We stopped every 100 feet to take measurements of the height (due to slant caused by the wind).
Data Ascending (in feet) 100 – – – – – – – – Descending (in feet) 900 – – – – – – – –
More Data Both linear fit slopes were equal and negative, showing a decrease in temperature.
Conclusion Our hypothesis was validated. As the gondola rose in altitude the temperature decreased. This can be logically reasoned as pressure is related to temperature by the ideal gas law. Because the data fits were not taken at the same time, the sun caused a constant offset between the linear fits (a trend line).