Mary Amoson CEPD 8101 Community Service Presentation
Dinosaur Program Base school- Welch Elementary 240 Mary Freeman Road Staff-2 Teacher- Jena Hamilton- contact personJena Hamilton- TA- Shannon SchmiederShannon Schmieder Supervisors-2 Pre K and Federal Program Director- Dr. David Gregory Dr. David Gregory- Elementary Curriculum Director- Dr. Karen Barker Dr. Karen Barker-
The purpose of this program is to modify the behavior of Pre K and K students. The goal is to meet the needs of regular students so they do not have to be served through Special Education. The goals are met through whole group, small group, and individual lesson taught from August to December. In January, the program offers a self-contained, yet collaborative Kindergarten class to continue assistance.
Jena Hamilton Teacher Shannon Schmieder Teaching Assistant
The program starts each school year by teaching whole group lessons to interested Pre-K and K classroom. The topics vary as the needs of the classroom teacher vary; listening skills, following rules in the classroom, doing your best and lunchroom manners. The program then started to pullout students to teach lessons dealing with anger, being a good friend, and other specific topics as teachers have needs. Next, the program begins intensive one-on-one lessons to help modify very specific and inappropriate behaviors. In January, they start a self contained classroom for students who are still displaying behaviors that are keeping them from being able to learn and participate and prohibiting learning of others. *Jena Hamilton is also used to observe students and help with SST strategies for individual students, conduct teacher training and parent meetings.
In the school year, 198 students were served through the Dinosaur Program. This year the numbers are not available yet because it is just too early in the year. All clients must be Pre-K or Kindergarten students in Coweta County Schools who need behavioral assistance. Most of the clients seen are bright and capable but have never been taught vital behavioral strategies before entering school.
Jena Hamilton is using puppets to teach this small group about good and bad choices to students.
Base School- Welch Elementary Must be a Title I school Must be on the Needs Improvement List Schools Served- 16 elementary schools are currently being served out of 17. Work in any open area with pullout students from all schools served. Self contained classroom is at Welch starting in January.
Type of Service My volunteer hours were spent working with students with behavioral issues in Pre- K and K. I observed the lessons and dynamics of the students, along with the behavioral modifications. I helped to teach the lessons and talk with student about modifying their behaviors. I also helped by interacting with students in the “Dina Den.”
“An increasing number of children who enter the doors of preschools and kindergarten classrooms lack the basic social skills to interact positively with others, to solve problems, to follow directions, and to participate in preacademic and social learning.” McGinnis and Goldstien, 2003) “It is difficult if not impossible to teach a child who lacks the basic social skills, especially with the increasing demand of academics we require.“ (McGinnis and Goldstien, 2003) McGinnis, E, & Goldstein, A (2003). Skillstreaming In early childhood; new strategies and perspectives for teaching prosocial skills.New York: Research Press.
Piaget’s pre-operational stage is from ages two to seven. According to Piaget’s Theory, this age of students “contemplate action and become increasing aware of how their behavior brings either desired rewards, smiles, hugs, or words of praise, or undesired punishments, frown, reprimand, or loss of privileges.” (McGinnis and Goldstein, 2003) Bandura has taught the importance of modeling, rehearsing, and social reinforcement. The Dina Program uses Modeling-situations are acted out Rehearsing- practice making good choices and correct behaviors Social reinforcement- positive behaviors are rewarded and negative behaviors are not McGinnis, E, & Goldstein, A (2003). Skillstreaming In early childhood; new strategies and perspectives for teaching prosocial skills.New York: Research Press.
In the school year, 198 students were served through this program. Only 9 students ended up in a self-contained classroom. I had a student, KA, who was greatly helped for extreme behaviors last school year. He was placed in the self-contained classroom for 6 weeks, but was able to return to a regular education room. He was tested into the Gifted Program and remains in a regular education first grade classroom today. I also learned strategies to help with others who may exhibit extreme behaviors and help modify them before they get out of control.