Hotspots, Plumes and Mass Extinctions Is Hawaii more than a great vacation spot? How does life respond to geologic catastrophes?
Plate Tectonics - Distribution of Volcanic and Earthquake Activity
The Earth’s surface is broken into plates
Wilson Cycle (ocean basin fm) 1 2 Examples: 1. East African Rifts 2. Red Sea 3. Atlantic Ocean 4. Pacific Ocean 5. Mediterranean Sea 6. Himalayas, Tibet 3 4 5 6
The Hawaiian Hotspot
Volcanoes to atolls (Darwin)
Tahiti -- shield volcano
Moorea -- fringing reef
Raiatea - barrier reef
Bora Bora -- lagoon
Maupiti -- the oldest volcano next stage is the coral atoll
French Polynesia from space atoll fringing reef barrier reef
Pacific Hotspot Volcanic Chains
Questions: Where do Hotspots come from? How do Hotspots start? How long do they last?
Indian Ocean Hotspot tracks and 3 spreading ridges A complete record of hotspot activity
JOIDES Resolution drillship
Reunion hotspot track, central Indian Ocean
“flood” basalts in western India >300 lava flows, each 1000 km3
Western India An accumulation of lava flows 5 km thick! Occurred at the same time as the extinction of the dinosaurs
Mass Extinction (K-T Boundary) What killed the Dinosaurs? 65 million yr ago A meteorite, or volcanic activity, or BOTH? Mass Extinction (K-T Boundary)
Impact Site: Yucatan Peninsula
Volcanic catastrophes and Mass Extinctions
Greenland Birth of the Iceland hotspot Next came the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean basin
Global Distribution of large, rapidly-erupted volcanic events
red = hotspot-related volcanism since 250 Ma Columbia River Basin Flood Basalts with source at Yellowstone Flood basalts, India
Large Igneous Provinces are: BIG!! NOT explained by Plate Tectonics Initial Plume and Hotspot Activity
Mantle Plumes Part of the circulation in the Mantle Driven by temperature differences Hot and cold => density differences Gravity Rules!
Mantle convection - the driving force for plate tectonics What causes the warmer material to rise?
Mantle Plumes
Mantle convection and hotspot formation Cross-sections of the Earth Red = hot upwelling from core-mantle boundary Blue = cold downwelling Cold lithosphere sinks, hot plumes rise. Cartoon Schematic Computer Model
Which is not a hotspot? Yellowstone Iceland Hawaii Mt. St. Helens
Degassing Magma Gases include CO2, SO2, Cl, F that make “acid rain” Shuts down photosynthesis
Laki, Iceland (1783) -- the year without a summer
Laki, Iceland (1783) -- the year without a summer
Submarine: Hydrothermal Exchange – Release of Metals
Ocean Anoxic Events productivity or preservation? Marine sedimentary layers exposed in Italy
Hydrothermal Plumes from LIPs
Effects of Submarine Plateaus Release of “reduced” metals uses up oxygen in the oceans Trace metals are “nutrients”, so promote rapid growth of plankton Sinking organic matter also uses up oxygen in the oceans Extinctions of “benthic” marine organisms
Two Styles of Mantle Convection
Evolution of Life “Punctuated” by rapid change events Where there is chaos there is opportunity Extinctions lead to new ecosystems