Dinosaurs Southern New Hampshire University MS-TEFL EFL 537 CALL Instructor Lyra Riabov Donna W. Papanikolau 02-19-04
Description of Class ESOL Magnet 3rd Grade Class Multilinguistic Backgrounds 8-10 Years Old 12 Students Non- English to Limited English Speakers, Writers and Readers.
Classroom Dynamics 12 hours of computer time Work including book marking favorite sites, search engines, skimming and scanning and typing Integration goal: use the computer for already established content curriculum
Materials 7 I-Mac notebooks with internet capability Zak’s Wordgames Software 1 Macintosh classroom computer Books on Dinosaurs from the library Handouts Blackboard Pencils, paper, crayons
Objectives Science: To compare and contrast characteristics of dinosaurs Language: To skim and scan for information, to organize thoughts into paragraph form, to practice oral fluency, to learn new vocabulary Computer: To use the internet for research, to reinforce basic skills
Procedure Day 1:( Pre computer activity) 45 minutes Elicit background information Create two columns on the board titled “What I know about dinosaurs” the other “ What I want to know about dinosaurs” Discuss vocabulary and concepts Introduce dinosaur research packet Use the library books as reference
Procedure Day 2 (Presentation) 65 minutes Separate the students into groups of two, each group has a computer. Explain to the class you will visit websites created by a dinosaur hunters. Have students search through google images and type allosaurus. Then click on the first image.
Procedure Day 2 (continued) Bookmark this page. Direct students to the list of dinosaurs. Have students find the 5 dinosaurs in their packets. Have students fill in one interesting fact for each dinosaur and color the dinosaur. Send two students to the class computer to work on Zak’s Wordgames, dinosaur section.
Procedure Day 3 (practice) 45 minutes Have groups find Dinodon and then to Dinodon’s world, bookmark this page. Go to 15 Facts about Dinosaurs. Ask students to find the answers to your questions by skimming material. Have students fill information in their research packet. Send two students to the class computer to work on Zak’s Wordgames, dinosaur section.
Procedure Day 4 (Practice) 45 minutes Return to the website. This time have students click on, Dinos by the Numbers. Ask students to find the answer to your questions. Example: “Which dinosaur was the largest?”. Continue until all the material has been covered. Have students fill in the rest of their information on the research sheets. Send two students to the class computer to use Zak’s Wordgames, dinosaur section.
Procedure Day 5 ( follow up) 60 minutes Using the word processing applications have the students type their paragraph from their research sheets. Print the paragraphs. Send two students to the class computer to work on the dinosaur section of Zak’s Wordgames software.
Closing Day 6, 45 minutes Have each group report on their research paper allowing a question and answer segment. Assessment is based on the facts they gathered, vocabulary used and factual renditions.
Potential Problems Students may still need practice in basic computer skills. Students might need help with vocabulary and concepts especially for those students who have never been in a formal classroom environment. All work is cooperative so classroom management is a must. Writing process might require extra time.