Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs


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Presentation transcript:

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs Why The Need For This Lesson? Survey given to children in “Christian” homes, over 70% believe dinosaurs lived 235 million years ago. Nearly everyone, from adults to children, are fascinated with dinosaurs.

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs According to Evolutionists, dinosaurs lived 235 million years ago and became extinct 65 million years ago. (Man arrived 2.5 million years ago.) Dinosaurs are used to teach the theory of evolution along with the idea of an old earth (4.56 billion years old).

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs What Does The Bible Say? Gen. 1:24-26, 31-2:1; Ex. 20:11 The Genesis account shows dinosaurs were made on the same day as man. Thus, they both were living on the earth together at the same time.

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs “behemoth” – Job 40:15-24 Symbolic of a hippopotamus? “He moves his tail like a cedar;” – 40:17 “He is the first (chief, KJV) of the ways of God” – 40:19 “His bones are like beams of bronze…ribs like bars of iron” – 40:18 No man could approach with a sword nor capture him – 40:19,24

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs “Leviathan” – Job 41 You can’t catch leviathan with a hook (v.1). You can’t kill him with a spear (v.7). Leviathan is too powerful and ferocious to be captured by man (v.9). In fact, leviathan laughs at the threat of javelins (v.29). When he raises himself up, the mighty are afraid. (v.25) When he swims, the water boils with commotion (v.31). Flashes of light and smoke expel from his nostrils like steam coming from a boiling pot (vs.18-20). Sparks of fire shoot out of his mouth (v.21), and his eyes glow like the morning sun (v.18).

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs “Leviathan” – Job 41 Symbolic of a crocodile? “When he raises himself up, the mighty are afraid.” – 41:25 “He beholds every high thing;” – 41:34 “Indeed any hope of overcoming him is false.” – 41:9 “Who can remove his outer coat?” – 41:13 “He regards iron as straw and bronze as rotten wood.” – 41:27

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs “leviathan” – Job 41:18-21 Fire breathing? Flashes of light? Fire flies produce light! Eels produce electricity! Bombardier beetles releases a stream of chemicals at 212 degrees F. “That sounds like a dragon!” THINK! The word “dinosaur” wasn’t invented until 1842.

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs What Has Archeology and History Found? Cave Drawings Inca Burial Stones Acambaro Figurines Human Footprints and Dinosaur Tracks Together Rapid Formation of Fossils Soft Tissue Found In Dinosaur Bone

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs Cave Drawings Dr. Dennis Swift, PHD, found this drawing in Blanding, Utah Late 1800’s, Samuel Hubbard found a cave drawing in Arizona

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs Inca Burial Stones Discovered in 1930’s, some 11,000 stones have been found with accurate pictures of dinosaurs. They were used by the Inca Indians as burial stones (approx. 500-1500 AD). Historical records also show that in 1570 the Spanish Conquistadors had taken some stones back to Spain.

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs Inca Burial Stones

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs Acambaro Figurines Discovered in 1944 in Acambaro, Mexico. Identified with the Pre- classical Chupicuaro Culture (800 BC – 200 AD).

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs Acambaro Figurines

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs Human Footprints and Dinosaur Tracks While they have been found together all over the world, there are at least 3 trails in Glen Rose, TX This track was found in the Tailor Trail.

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs Rapid Formation of Fossils Fossilized hat This rubber-soled boot with petrified cowboy (human) leg, bones and all was found in a dry creek bed near the West Texas town of Iraan, about 1980 by Mr. Jerry Stone, an employee of Corvette oil company. This iron pot was found encased in a single piece of coal.

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs Rapid Formation of Fossils Hammer found in lower Cretaceous limestone. Fossilized hammer found in London, TX.

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs Soft Tissue Found In Dinosaur Bone “A Tyrannosaurus rex fossil has yielded what appears to be the only preserved soft tissues ever recovered from a dinosaur. … Most fossils preserve an organism's hard tissues, such as shell or bone. Finding preserved soft tissue is unheard of in a dinosaur-age specimen…. ’Finding these tissues in dinosaurs changes the way we think about fossilization, because our theories of how fossils are preserved don't allow for this [soft-tissue preservation],’ said Mary H. Schweitzer, a paleontologist at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.” National Geographic News, March 24, 2005

Walking Amidst The Dinosaurs Soft Tissue Found In Dinosaur Bone Evolutionists formerly believed that tissue could not remain soft longer than 10,000 years. WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO NOW? GIVE UP THEIR THEORY? Or MODIFY IT?

Who Is Right? EVOLUTIONIST with their theories of dinosaurs living 235 million years ago, becoming extinct 65 million years ago so that man and dinosaurs could not have lived at the same time, and the idea of an old earth (4.56 billion years old)? GOD who said He created dinosaurs on the same day He created man (Gen. 1:24-31)?

“Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar.” Who Is Right? “Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar.” Romans 3:4

Who Is Right? “And these things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written,…” 1 Corinthians 4:6