1 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Nordisk addressemøde 2007 på Færøerne Lande-rapport fra Island Tryggvi Már Ingvarsson MSc Geomatic Engineer,
2 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Questions 1.What is the status of present address registration in Iceland? 2.What is the future vision?
3 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Content Iceland (in numbers & maps) Current address system (law and regulations, stakeholders, repositories, responsibilities, entities & roles ) Drawbacks of present setup Work in process (geocoding addresses, engineering central address repository) Conclusion
4 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Iceland - in numbers - Land area: ~ sq. km. Population: ~ Capital: Reykjavík Majority of the population living within 60 km of the capital (~75%) Addresses in the Real property DB ( )
5 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Iceland - in maps / topography - Reykjavík Akureyri
6 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Iceland in numbers - maps / addresses - Spatial distribution of real property addresses in Iceland
7 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Current address system - law & regulations - Planning & building act –Municipalities are the only authority that can create new addresses –Addresses are not specifically considered in the act and little regulation are existing on how addresses and what information should be registered Standards –At present there is no standard in Iceland on how address should be registered
8 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Current address system - stakeholders - Municipalities The Land Registry of Iceland The National Register Emergency services Civil defence Postal services State internal revenues (Tax authorities) Statistics Iceland Road administration Private sector (Loftmyndir/Map24, Samsýn)...
9 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Current address system - repositories - Several DB maintained with address info –Within the real property DB of LRI (text only) –Within the public register DB (text only) –Within the firm register DB (text only) –At the emergency service 112 (text+point) –By the postal office authorities (text + description) –At two private companies (text+point) None of them is the official and they overlap considerably
10 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Current address system -responsibilities - Primary –Municipalities are responsible for creating addresses, registering in the RPDB and “þinglýsingu” at local land registry office Secondary –National register, somewhat related to the RPDB but lives independant life –Postal offices, where you can find addresses outside the formal system (depending on how you define the term address)
11 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Current address system - entities & roles - Is an address a point or a place on a line? –All addresses are treated as points in Iceland –Addresses are considered like place names –As we don’t have an street master it is possible that addresses within the same street have differently spelled names (eg. Laugarvegur 6 & Laugavegur 8)
12 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Current address system - entities & roles - Address identifier –Unique, 7 digit ID assigned by LRI Municipality name –Approved by the Ministry of social affairs Municipality code –Allocated by the National registry Municipality section code –Informal ID allocated by the LRI
13 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Current address system - entities & roles - Post codes –Created and maintained by the Postal Service –Have not been formally delimitated Street name & house number –Decided by local municipality in urban plan Parcel name –Decided by local municipality Parcel ID –Issued by LRI
14 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Drawbacks of present setup Unconformity between different address systems –How addresses are spelled or abbreviated –The registered declension (nomative or dative?) –Handling of numbers and characters –Handling of anomalies –No defined workflow set - inconsistency –Property address vs. postal address Overlapping repositories without defined boundaries Much redundant work within the public sector Spatial location often unknown
15 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Work in process - geocoding addresses - LRI is presently working with a private firm to geocode all addresses registered in the RPDB –75% of all real properties have today been geo-coded –97% of all homes, summerhouses and workspaces From with 1st June 2007 will LRI be alone responsible for this address repository This geoDB will server multiple roles for LRI –Point cadastre (a first step for real cadastre) –Mass appraisal (connecting sale contracts to location)
16 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Work in process - engineering central address repository - Main stakeholders have recently created a workgroup to achieve above goal –First task is to define the core registration entities of the system by identifying the shared commons –Other address system (residence, postal, real properties) will extend to this core –The common address repository will be maintained together by the LRI (management) and local municipalities (updating)
17 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Work in process - engineering central address repository - Spatial location will be integral attribute of the new system (not maintained separately) The system is considered to be multipurpose, thus capable to serve all stakeholders New addresses should be created simultaneously as building permit is issued The concept of sub-addresses introduced to aid for registration of entrances of large buildings
18 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Work in process - engineering central address repository - Pricing is to be minimal (in accordance to new EU directive) to enhance uses of the repository The conceptual design for the new system should be in place this autumn The system it self is scheduled in early 2008 Should be in full operation in 2009
19 The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department Conclusion Q1. What is the status of present address registration in Iceland? Several different address repositories Lack of coordination between stakeholders Redundancy of work and unconformity of data Anomalies are common and difficult to manage between systems Spatial dimension only newly introduced Q2. What is the future vision? Common core address repository for all major stakeholders in Iceland Spatial location will onwards be considered integral part of an address