Las Preguntas y Las Expresiones Importantes Important Classroom Questions & Expressions
Hazlo Ahora (DO IT NOW) Daily Classroom Questions ¿Qué día es hoy? ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? ¿En qué estación estamos? ¿Qué tiempo hace? Pre-Assessment of Today’s Lesson Knowledge you should bring to class! ¿Cómo se dice…en español? a. Please b. Thank You Do you know what we are learning today? ¿Cómo se dice…en español? a.May I borrow a pencil? b.May I go to the nurse? c.Can you help me?
Student Learning Agenda Hazlo Ahora (Return Instagram – 8 & Texting - 6 Project Rubrics) Introduction of Classroom Questions and Expressions With Comprehension Checks Cross-Curricular Connections (Mathematics & PARCC Preparation) Reflections: Evaluate your classroom performance Extensions: Bringing your learning home Enrichment Credit Opportunity Quizlet
Student Learning Outcomes At the end of this lesson, I can… (YO PUEDO…) Select the appropriate expressions & common classroom questions to express my needs and wants. Evaluate the level of success my peers and I have expressing common classroom questions.
Para pedir o solicitar algo… -to ask or request something ¿Me puede prestar un bolígrafo? ¿Me puede prestar un lápiz? Con un/a compañero/a, Use the question starter, ¿Me puede…? to form similar requests/questions.
Para pedir o solicitar algo… -to ask or request something tomar agua? la oficina? la enfermería? mi armario? los servicios? Use the question starter, ¿Puedo ir a… If you want to ask to go somewhere! Con un/a compañero/a, Use the question starter, ¿Puedo ir a…? to ask if you can go to Marta’s house.
Sra. Porter’s student completed this “examencito.” Please correct the student’s work. Nombre y Apellido: Teo Ramirez Las direcciones: Match the Spanish Question to its English Translation. 1.May I go to the bathroom?AA. ¿Me puede prestar un bolígrafo? 2.May I go to the nurse’s office?DB. ¿Me puede prestar un lápiz? 3.May I go to the office? FC. ¿Puedo ir a los servicios? 4.May I go to get a drink of water?GD. ¿Puedo ir a la oficina? 5.May I go to my locker?EE. ¿Puedo ir a mi armario? 6.May I borrow a pen?CF. ¿Puedo ir a la enfermería? 7.May I borrow a pencil?BG. ¿Puedo ir a tomar agua?
Making Cross-Curricular Connections Preparing for PARCC 1. If this “examencito” is worth 100 points, how many points is each question worth? Round to the nearest whole number. Please show your work th Grade Math Students: If each question is worth 14 points, what score did Teo earn out of 100. Round to the nearest whole number. Please show your work. 6 th Grade & Above Math Students: What is Teo’s percentage score? Round to the nearest whole number. Please show your work. 3. Do you think that Teo mastered the material that Sra. Porter taught in class? Explain why or Why not. 4. Can you brainstorm another way to teach the seven important Spanish classroom questions to Teo? Explain your teaching procedures. If time allows, find a compañero/a & teach him/her at least 2 of the important Spanish classroom questions.
Making Cross-Curricular Connections Preparing for PARCC – Show your work
Reflections & Extensions Primero - Choose one of the following statements that best describes your classroom performance today. 1.I have mastered the material learned in class. 2.I have learned most of the material learned in class. 3.I need help with the material learned in class. I am a little confused! Segundo - Share with a partner your thoughts about your classroom performance. Can you both remember at least ½ of the questions learned in class today? Quiz eachother. Tercero - If you think you have mastered the material, how can you take it to the next level? If you have not mastered the material, what are some things you will need to do to be able to demonstrate your mastery of the learned material next class. Optional Enrichment Credit Teach Classroom Questions to a family member to receive 4 points extra credit. See Sra. Porter’s webpage for more information & all requirements. Due 9/15. Extra Practice A Link to Quizlet Vocabulary Practice is available on Sra. Porter’s webpage. Challenge yourself!