Dinosaurs Turn to your partner and tell them: 1.Three things you know about dinosaurs 2.Two things you would like to find out 3.One thing you think might come up next in this slide show ? ? UKS2 Topic: Dinosaurs and Fossils Block F: Dinosaur Species Session 2 © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.
Dinosaurs Ornithischian bird hipped Saurischian lizard hipped Turn to your partner and tell them: 1.Two facts about dinosaur classification (when was it formalised? Who formalised it? What has bone structure got to do with anything?)
Dinosaurs Ornithischian bird hipped Saurischian lizard hipped Cerapoda Thyreophora ‘Thyreophora’ means ‘shield bearers’ in Greek. Turn to your partner and discuss: 1.What dinosaurs could be part of this family?
Dinosaurs Ornithischian bird hipped Saurischian lizard hipped Cerapoda Thyreophora Ceratopsia horn faced Ornithopoda bird footed Pachycephalosaur thick headed Stegasaur plated Ankylosaur armour covered Sauropoda lizard footed Theropoda beast like Turn to your partner and tell them your top dinosaur name (family) and why.
Dinosaurs Ornithischian bird hipped Saurischian lizard hipped Cerapoda Thyreophora Ceratopsia horn faced Ornithopoda bird footed Pachycephalosaur thick headed Stegasaur plated Ankylosaur armour covered Sauropoda lizard footed Theropoda beast like Now look online, and in books, to find pictures of the dinosaurs from each family.